Entries by Nursing Homework Desk


Module 02 – Written Assignment-Communication Techniques Worksheet Name: Date: Complete all your lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure that you are focusing on: · Communication techniques used to promote safety within the healthcare facility. · Communication techniques used to provide optimal patient care. Instructions: · Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences. · […]


Using this required reading: Covid-19 and the Need for Health Care Reform (King, 2020)  NEJM .  Identify 1 flaw in the US healthcare system that was made evident during the pandemic, and 1 innovation during the pandemic that improved health care. Please give 3 scientific citations 

Week 1 Learning Exercise Analysis: Ethical Issues/Legal and Legislative Issues

  Week 1 Learning Exercise Analysis: Ethical Issues/Legal and Legislative Issues Solve one of the following Learning Exercises from Huston’s Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 11th edition. Learning Exercise 4.2 (page 85) Learning Exercise 4.7 (page 96) Learning Exercise 4.10 (page 98) Learning Exercise 5.2 (page 109) Learning Exercise 5.8 (page 126) Learning Exercise 5.9 (pages 126-127)

Community Teaching Plan & Evaluation

  After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, explain approaches to community intervention and evaluation. Implement a teaching and evaluation plan. Choose one topic from the prevention strategies and intervention recommendations identified in Module 4 Assignment. Develop a teaching plan, including objective, content outline, teaching method, and time in a table format found in […]


Answer with at least 6 sentences, one scholarly reference ( discussion doesn’t have to be long just enough to get the question answered )     Scenario 1: Myocardial Infarction CC: “I woke up this morning at 6 a.m. with numbness in my left arm and pain in my chest. It feels tight right here (mid-sternal).” […]

Nursing Homework assistance

Nursing Opportunities Assignment:  Total Possible Points = 110 Students will select a Contemporary Nursing Career Opportunity to write about.  Careers should focus on the role that requires education at the Bachelor’s level or higher. You must get approval from the instructor for the topic.  Students are expected to discuss all of the following: expectations and […]


Title: “The Benefits and Challenges of Breastfeeding: Exploring Breastfeeding Resources for Empowered Mothers and Healthy Infants”  Guidelines:  APA Format  MUST utilize credible data sources such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, ClinicalKey, The Cochrane Library. Library resources can be accessed from the Library page at the FNU.edu website. FNU Librarians are available to assist each student with […]