Assessing a Health care Program and policy Evaluation


To Prepare:

  • Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
  • Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation, or choose one of interest to you.
  • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluations and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy at your place of work? Why or why not?
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation.


 Develop and share your personal nursing mission statement. How will this guide and impact your nursing practice now and in the future? 

case study

Case Study: Prescribed Drugs with CAMs

Mr. X, a 42-year-old male presents to your primary care practice today complaining of low back pain.

History – Mr. X states that he has had chronic low back pain since he had a skiing accident about 10 years ago. Three days ago, he felt a pulling sensation in his lower back after moving some boxes. The pain intensity increased over the subsequent 24 hours and is now steady, aching in nature, at 3-4 out of 10. Mr. X also has Type2 diabetes, which is well controlled on metformin with a HGA1c of 5.6. He has a history of DVT 4 months ago for which he takes Coumadin, INR is WNL. He is followed by a specialist for this problem. He recently started taking two OTC products; kava kava for what he describes as “anxiety” and CoEnzyme Q10 on the advice of a friend.

Social – Mr. X is a smoker, 1 pack per week for 15 years. No alcohol or drug use. He is employed as an accountant and has medical insurance. He is divorced.
PE/ROS – Complains of low back stiffness and pain on movement with occasional spasms related to moving in certain directions. You note he has mild difficulty getting onto the exam table but gait is normal. He denies weakness/numbness/tingling of legs, no radiation, no change in bowel or bladder habits. BMI 27. All range of motion of the back is decreased by 25%. Straight leg lift is negative bilaterally, DTR intact. All other systems WNL.


Metformin 1000mg ER one tab daily – Type II Diabetes controlled

Coumadin 5 mg. daily – Hx of DVT – Controlled

Kava Kava 50 mg. tid – Self-medication for anxiety

CoQ10 – 200 mg. daily. – Self-medication for unknown reason

1. Provide a diagnosis for the patient and your rationale for the diagnosis

2. Provide a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.

3. Comment on the use of OTC products in relation to Mr. X’s current chronic and acute disease diagnoses and medications. Include drug-drug interactions and side effect profiles.

4. Provide an education plan for Mr. X

5. Present this Assignment as a PowerPoint presentation with between 12 and 16 slides (not including opening slide and resource slide).

6. You will use the Narrative notes section of the presentation to include the majority of your evidentiary support of your treatment choices and education of family complete with in-text citations using APA formatting,

Due by the last day of Unit 9 at 11:59 p.m.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

· be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

· consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

· Submit to and review results of Turnitin. Purdue University Global Student Conduct policy as it relates to plagiarism will be adhered to in this course.

Your writing Assignment should:

· follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

· utilize APA 7th edition formatting.

Rubric Title: MN553 Unit 9 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

Correctly diagnosing the patient

· A correct diagnosis is provided with supportive rationale from literature

· A correct diagnosis is provided without rationale

· Does not meet the Criteria

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 2

Level III Max Points

Points: 12

Level II Max Points

Points: 9.6

Level I Max Points

Points: 7.2

Not Present

0 Points

Prescribing a treatment plan

· An appropriate and specific treatment plan for the case study patient is provided with rationale from literature for treatment choices.

· A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing less than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment with rationale from literature for treatment choices

· A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing more than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment with rationale from literature for treatment choices; Or

· Rationale for treatment choices from literature are not provided

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 3

Level III Max Points

Points: 11

Level II Max Points

Points: 8.8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6.6

Not Present

0 Points

Over-the-counter medication use discussion

A thorough discussion of the kinetics and dynamics of OTC products is provided and a rationale for including or excluding them from the treatment plan is provided.

· Kinetics and dynamics of OTC products are discussed and are related to the patient's current meds/conditions but specific direction regarding continued use is not included

· Kinetics and dynamics of OTC products are discussed but not related to the patient's current meds/conditions.

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 4

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

Education plan

· A thorough education plan for the treatment plan is provided which includes principles of therapeutic communication.

· An education plan is provided which provides more than 50% of necessary information for the treatment plan and includes principles of therapeutic communication

· An education plan is provided but contains less than 50% of necessary information and includes principles or therapeutic communication OR

· Principles of therapeutic communication are not included

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 5

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

College-level academic writing

· Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are used

· Grammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level work

· Adheres to page number requirements

· The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readability

· Adheres to page number requirements

· The minority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present Which interferes with readability

· Does not adhere to page number

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 6

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

Citations and Formatting

· There is a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style.

· Minor paper formatting errors may occur.

· Minor in-text citation errors may occur.

· All authorship is clear and retrievable.

· There is an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style.

· Errors in formatting of citation or sources are present.

· All sources have some form of citation and all citations have a matching source.

· Citations generally make authorship clear.

· Major errors in citations or source formatting are present.

· Citation or source information may be missing or incorrect.

· Authorship may be unclear.

· Does not meet the criteria

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

45 points minimum

34 points minimum

1 point minimum


Peer responses

  Respond to two of your colleagues by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource. 

APA format 

Role of the outcomes in evaluating Practice Change

Please see the attachment for the  instructions


Select a nursing theorist of choice and research him or her. Identify their key contribution to nursing and explain its importance in healthcare. APA format. 500 – 550 words and more than 3 scholarly sources.

MAT m6 diss


Initial Post: Toddlers have behavioral characteristics that often present challenging situations for parents and/or caregivers.

Describe challenges parents and/or caregivers would encounter with these specific characteristics.

  • Temperament
  • Nutritional Barriers
  • Hygiene,
  • Activity
  • Sleep

Nursing Chapter 3a-assignment

Page 1 of 2 Leadership and Management Theory

“People may not remember what you said, but they remember the way

you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Emotions play a big role in our lives; they help to guide decisions for the world around
us and influence our interactions with others. Accordingly, emotions are also shaped
from the external world. Emotional intelligence brings control to our everyday emotions
and will affect every aspect of our lives. The ability to control one’s emotions and use
them in a healthy manner can be life-changing. Emotional intelligence combines
emotional and social skills to navigate through organizations and relationships, as well
as deal with emotional stress. It is a skill that can be learned and strengthened, bringing
great success to an individual’s personal and professional life. With an emotionally
intelligent team, maximum success can be achieved.

Defining Emotional Intelligence
Every day we face situations in which we emotionally react. Emotional intelligence (EI)
brings cognition to emotional responses. It involves recognizing, understanding, and
managing our own emotions, as well as recognizing, understanding, and influencing the
emotions of others. This includes being aware of the emotions that drive specific
behaviors. It does not mean denying personal feelings, but rather identifying and
reasoning with them. Developing emotional intelligence is especially important in the
workplace, as it teaches professional and empathetic communication.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is incredibly valuable to many major aspects of our lives, our
mental and physical health, professional success, and personal relationships. There are
many positive traits that come from emotional intelligence. In business, emotional
intelligence will cultivate motivation, change, and leadership. It encourages us to step
away from an autopilot mode and become better at navigating through the many social
complexities in life. Respectively, emotional intelligence will help us to create a healthy
and balanced lifestyle. Signs of low emotional intelligence include:
• Having a victim mentality
• Being unaccepting of feedback
• Dwelling on mistakes
• Difficulty listening and connecting
• Often quick to make judgments

Page 2 of 2 Leadership and Management Theory

Who Needs It?

Humans are wired for connection; these connections consist of social interactions full of
emotions. Essentially, identifying and building emotional intelligence is important for
everyone. High emotional intelligence is a hiring trait desired by leading corporations,
and to some extent, more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence provides a strong
foundation for humans to reflect on their emotional responses, including when
managing feelings of stress or overwhelm, creating a collaborative environment, and
having difficult conversations with others. It is the key to achieving success in any
leadership role. When emotional intelligence is lacking from one individual in the
workplace, it affects everyone else within the organization. These repercussions can
include a lower company morale, and decrease in productivity and performance. A
positive work environment requires employees who are willing to coach and motivate
one another, in which emotional intelligence is the foundation.

What Are Emotions?

Since emotional intelligence is all about the management and control of emotions, it is
advantageous to understand what emotions are and why they matter. Although we all
share the same emotions, we do not all experience these emotions the same way.
Emotions are natural reactions that we experience, in response to a situation, mood, or
connection. They signal a change that has occurred within us, or in our environment.
The six basic human emotions, also known as primary emotions, are happiness,
sadness, surprise, fear, disgust, and anger. Emotions may be momentary or long-lived.
There are three key elements of emotions, including the subjective experience (how
someone experiences an emotion), the physiological response (how their body reacts to
this emotion), and the behavioral/expressive response (how they behave in response to
this emotion). Emotions will guide decisions, help us to avoid danger, and motivate
action. Our daily lives are influenced on whether we are feeling happy, sad, or bored.

Practical Illustration
Shawn was in charge of hiring the new marketing analyst. He was looking for an
employee who was knowledgeable in this field, along with great social skills and
emotional control. After reading a few resumes, he had two strong prospects that he
chose to interview. The first candidate, Hunter, had many years of experience. Although
he had a lot of knowledge to bring to the team, he did not demonstrate strong
leadership and interpersonal skills. Shawn’s second prospect, Leah, did not have many
years of experience. Leah understood the essentials for the position, and assured
Shawn that she was willing to learn and transition with the company. She was confident,
empathetic, and professional. The positive impact that Leah left on Shawn had helped
to guide his decision. He believed that Leah was perfect for the position, and would
share her enthusiastic attitude with the rest of the team.

Moral distress

Describe a clinical situation in which a registered nurse may encounter moral distress. Answer the AACN’s Four A’s found on page 84 in your Butts and Rich textbook to further explain the situation and the possible mitigation strategies.

Nursing Health Care Reform Assignment

Please take a look at the attachment