Nursing Discussion assignment

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2. Nursing‐sensitive indicators are the criteria for changes in health status that nursing care can directly affect. Nursing‐sensitive indicators have been increasingly adopted as valid and reliable tools due to their features such as objective assessment, improvement of clinical practice, evaluation of nursing care quality and performance, and informed decision‐making capability for patients in selecting a hospital to receive care. The use of nursing‐sensitive indicators affects the outcomes of nursing care by defining the structure and processes of nursing care. Indicators can be used for quality improvement purposes in applied settings to monitor performance and progress and to support evidence-based decision making, to support informed policy analysis related to regulatory or accreditation requirements, workforce development, and reimbursement, and to research the role of nursing care in determining patient safety outcomes by examining structure-outcome, process-outcome, and structure-process-outcome relationships. I believe that no one nursing sensitive indicator is sufficient on its own for measuring the profession’s impact on patient care and outcomes. Rather, several elements must be considered together to provide a comprehensive view of nursing practices and results, such as patient falls with and without injuries, RN satisfaction survey, nosocomial infections, nursing hours per patient day. Indicators not included in the database statistics, but which professional nurses should consider, nonetheless are patient satisfaction with pain management, patient satisfaction with nursing care. For example, assessment and treatment of pain is complex, and optimal pain care remains elusive. Only 63-74% of patients report that their pain was well-controlled. Personal biases may interfere with healthcare’s ability to accurately assess pain management needs, but nurses who keep in mind the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice will be better equipped to make sound judgments. 


Oner, B., Zengul, F. D., Oner, N., Ivankova, N. V., Karadag, A., & Patrician, P. A. (2021). Nursing-sensitive indicators for nursing care: A systematic review (1997-2017). Nursing open8(3), 1005–1022.

Advance nursing assessment

 female who presents to the office with c/o wound to her left foot  

Nursing assignment

comprehension patient history

the role of the community health nurse

Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion. Explain why it is important to appraise community resources (nonprofit, spiritual/religious, etc.) as part of a community assessment and why these resources are important in population health promotion.

Nursing Assignment 2

Please follow directions 

Genitourinary Conditions

 A 53-year-old male patient with complaints of non-specific abdominal pain is admitted to the hospital with hematuria and is undergoing diagnostic testing for bladder cancer.  

Discussion Post

 What do you think nursing contributes to health care? How can a robotic system incorporate the clinical judgment that nurses use? Be as creative as you wish! 

If you can, listen to the following audio clip from National Nurses United’s “Insist on a Registered Nurse” campaign:

While this is an attempt at humor about a serious situation, it drives a fundamental question: What would health care be without nurses?

Minimum of 250 words. 


To prepare: the key requirements are to identify a hypothetical practice problem as the focus of an evidence-based quality improvement project; a hypothetical health care setting for the project based on investigating actual sites; stakeholders for project approval and implementation within health care settings; and a presentation outlining the basic steps of a specific framework/model for translating research and evidence to improved practice.

The Assignment:Part 1: Key Project Elements

Complete your p a p e r of 6–8 pages, plus cover page and references page, explaining your investigation of three hypothetical practice sites for an Evidence based practice QI project.

Part 2: Implementation Science Presentation

Complete your PowerPoint presentation of 3–5 slides, plus cover and reference slides, to inform hypothetical stakeholders.

Medication Errors
