plan and develop an outline for your community

The purpose of this assignment is to plan and develop an outline for your community teaching plan and gain feedback from a community health representative in your local community. The teaching plan developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Presentation due in Topic 5. Complete the following:


As you learned from the chapter, reading, and video lectures, the cost of health care is a major concern in the US. As we discussed, value-based models promise to bend the cost curve in the right direction. The article you read by Erickson et al (2020) is mostly from the point of view of physicians so it is always a good idea to think critically about articles like this. Do you think that the authors present solid arguments in favor of what they propose? Do you think their point of view is similar to what you read and think about ways to decrease costs while increasing quality? Do you think that their point of view considers other health care-related professions?



D. Saa Critical Care Wk 4 Discussion


Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.

Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based. 

Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.

Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style.

Part 2:

Interview:You will take a few minutes and ask 2 people about their personal coping mechanisms for dealing with the stress of working in healthcare during this unique time of Covid. Stress can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or any combination of triggers. Ask a diverse variety of people, don’t forget those in other departments at different points of hierarchy. For example, ask your unit manager, environmental services, volunteers, patients, fellow nurses, etc. Write 2-3 paragraphs on your findings and impressions while respecting the person’s identity.

safer opioid use

Have you empowered a patient to believe they could make needed lifestyle modifications irrespective of the barriers that exist in their environment? Please provide examples. If so, you were engaged in health promotion activities as part of your nursing role.

Were there any strategies used in this simulation exercise that you use to improve patient health literacy? Are there any that you use that were not mentioned here? In your experience, how effective are these strategies?

What are some of the biggest challenges you encounter when trying to improve health literacy? What solutions can you offer to manage these challenges?

Describe two cognitive techniques and two behavioral techniques. In what types of situations would you choose each?

Describe two cognitive techniques and two behavioral techniques. In what types of situations would you choose each? 

The student must answer the graded discussion with a substantive reply to the graded discussion question(s)/topic(s) posted by the course instructor by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Two scholarly sources references are required unless stated otherwise by your professor. 

The student provides a substantive response to the discussion question or topic on Thursday day and posts a minimum of two additional responses to peers on another day(s). The answers to classmates must be posted by Sunday, 11:59 pm Eastern Time. We expect each student to participate in the discussion board in a respectful manner. 

Remember that a new discussion rubric was approved by the professors, committee members, and a majority of the students. Please review the rubric before posting to ensure a maximum of points. 

Here are the categories of the new discussion rubric:

Initial Post relevance to the topic of discussion, applicability, and insight. (20%)

Quality of Written Communication Appropriateness of audience and words choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Grammar, spelling, punctuation. (20%)

Inclusion of APNA standards essentials explored in the discussion as well as the role-specific competencies as applicable.(10%)

Rigor, currency,  and relevance of the scholarly references. (Use articles that are below 5 years). (20%)

Peer & Professor Responses. The number of responses, quality of response posts. (20%)

Timeliness of the initial post and the answers to the peers. (10%


Respond to  two of your colleagues’ posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.

Apa format

see attachment 

Nursing help with homework




The Organization name is :  (United Healthcare)- this is an Health insurance company 

  1. Consumer
  2. Context 

pn 2 diss


You are the Charge Nurse in a large Urban Emergency Department (ED). You nursing staff include:

  1. RN with 12 years of Trauma ED experience
  2. New RN with 6 months ED experience
  3. RN from the Medical Surgical floor with 8 years of experience

The following patients are in the ED, which patient will you give to each of the nurses and why?

  1. A 76-year-old client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and has hematuria.
  2. A 38-year-old client with kidney stones complaining of severe pain.
  3. A 24-year-old diabetic client with an acute urinary tract infection who will require discharge teaching.
  4. An 80-year-old client that has not had a bowel movement for 4 days.