
Week 4 Module 4: A Deeper Look at Prevention and Aggregates

Module Overview

During week four, you will complete course activities related to prevention and aggregates while taking a deeper dive when looking at aggregates and prevention.

Overall Topics

· Aggregates

· Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Levels of Prevention – you do read about this during Weeks 1 & 2 and in Nies & McEwen’s text, Chapter 1, however this week you will add to your knowledge level about population health prevention levels. SMSU Nursing uses the four levels of prevention: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. Be aware that some sources use three levels of prevention, and some sources use four levels of prevention!

Module Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, students will:

· Describe what an aggregate population means.

· Describe an aggregate population.

· Describe the meanings of primary, secondary, tertiary prevention, and quaternary prevention.

· Explain examples of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary prevention.

Learning Assignments

1. Complete Aggregate and Prevention Worksheet

2. View Virtual Module: Leibold (2021) Levels of Prevention at

3. Read: Minnesota Department of Health. (2019). Public health interventions (PopulationBased).


4. Read: Minnesota Department of Health. Population-Based Practice at


5. Complete items in the Module 4 content folder

Items Due

1. Complete Aggregate and Population worksheet assignment due to assignment drop box on //23 by 9/17/23 by 11:59 pm

2. **Start thinking about your community assessment project. This is a time to start conducting your windshield/walking survey and setting up your key informant interview (refer to Week 6 module instructions as well as the course syllabus)


Discussion Week 2 Nursing Theory

Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories.

What Sort of Leader Is Needed?


Case Study

Two new associate-degree graduates were hired for the pediatric unit. Both worked three 12-hour shifts a week; Jan worked the day-to-evening shift and Rosemary worked the night shift. Whenever their shifts connected, they would compare notes on their experience. Jan felt she was learning rapidly, gaining clinical skills and beginning to feel at ease with her colleagues.

Rosemary, however, still felt unsure of herself and often isolated. There have been times that she was the only registered nurse on the unit all night. The aides and LPNs were very experienced, but Rosemary feels she is not ready for that kind of responsibility. Rosemary knows she must speak to the nurse manager about this, but she’s called several times, and she’s never available. The shift assignments are left in the staff lounge by an assistant.


Your discussion post should answer the following questions in a well-constructed commentary. Use references, in APA format, where appropriate.

  1. To what extent is this problem due to a failure to lead? Who has failed to act?
  2. What style of leadership was displayed by Rosemary? The nurse manager?
  3. How effective was their leadership? What are your suggestions for Rosemary?



Population Health Intervention and Social Marketing Assignment

In this assignment, you will build on the community assessment you completed. First, start with the Community Health Diagnosis, the priority health needs you identified at the end of the Community Assessment, and the goal and objectives you drafted when you completed the Goals and Behavioral Objectives lesson at How to Write Community Health Education Behavioral Objectives (from Module/Week 9)

Build on the community assessment assignment, community health diagnosis, goals, and behavioral objectives to add the population intervention and social marketing assignment.

Save the goals and objectives you use during this activity for a future discussion posting!

Population Health Intervention and Social Marketing Experience: Go to

Complete the Population Health Intervention and Social Marketing Assignment learning/assessment activity and at the end of the activity—see the last page under references at the bottom of the page to retrieve a certificate of completion and submit to the courseroom dropbox for credit. Passing is 95% to earn the certificate but you may retake the questions in the module as many times as you want to earn a higher grade.

How to Save Your Certificate on Your Device in Digital Format

To save your certificate in digital format on your device, select print on your device when the certificate is showing. (Yes, select print, even though you will not be printing it!) Instead of choosing a printer on the printer options, select save as a PDF file. Save the certificate as a PDF to your device. Then upload the certificate to the courseroom dropbox for grade credit.

Another technique is to take a picture with your smartphone and upload the image to the assignment dropbox for grade credit.

Hovering your mouse over the certificate, using a right-click, and selecting the menu item to save as an image and saving to your device as a jpg or png file is the least effective method, as depending on your computer/web browser settings, this may save the certificate as blank.

The score summary is not required. The certificate is required for grade credit.


 Program/policy evaluation 

AACN DNP Essentials


Discussion response

negligence and malpractice

Apply the differences between negligence and malpractice to the practice of nursing. Provide examples to illustrate your points.


Discussion Board GRAD

Discussion Board (DB) Participation Rubric
Discussion boards (DBs) are what make an online course a course and not an independent study.
DBs are vital to demonstrating that the learner has met the expected course level outcomes.
Collaboration between peers and your instructor in the DB is an important aspect of the online learning experience and is expected in the course.
Any exceptions to the following DB rubric will be at the instructor’s discretion.
The purpose of a DB is to stimulate critical thinking in a scholarly manner.
Critical thinking consists of synthesis, creating solutions, application to real world situations, and testing, debating, and defending evidence-based solutions.
Critical thinking is not repetition of assigned reading material. Outside research of the literature is a vital part of the DB.
Posts need to be substantive. This means that responses such as “I agree” or “great post” do not meet grading rubric requirements.
Initial posts for each discussion question (DQ) is due no later than Saturday of the unit week.
The initial post must be an answer to the DQ topic, not a comment on other posts. Initial posts for each DB must also include a minimum of three peer-reviewed citations.
Citations must include outside sources and no more than one citation from assigned course readings may be used each week.
While the discussion board tool limits the ability to use APA formatting (e.g., hanging indents), posts must include the required elements of an APA in-text citation and list of references.
Inappropriate Below Average Average Above Average Score Weight Final Score
1 2 3 4
Initial post timeliness Provides an initial post on or after Sunday. N/A N/A Provides an initial post by Saturday. 15% 0.00
Additional comment requirement Does not post responses to others. Posts one comment per Discussion topic. Posts 2 comments per Discussion topic on separate days. At least one comment includes a citation. Posts 2 comments per Discussion topic on separate days (resulting in total participation on three different days throughout the discussion). At least two comments include a citation. 10% 0.00
Engagement N/A Participates, but does not post anything that encourages others to respond to the posting. Attempts to motivate the group discussion. Frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion. 5% 0.00
Content Quality Initial Response Submission does not relate to the topic. Answers some question/topics with some clearly stated opinions. Supports post using text only. Answers all questions with opinions and ideas that are stated clearly. Supports post using text and at least two peer-reviewed sources. Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources. 35% 0.00
APA Format Major errors or no APA format used. Minor errors with APA format. Rare errors with APA format. No errors with APA format. 10% 0.00
Grammar/ Formatting/ Mechanics
Significant errors in spelling and/or grammar. Major flaws in writing mechanics and formatting. Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Uses Standard American English with rare errors and misspellings. Consistently uses Standard American English with no misspellings. Appropriate mechanics and formatting. 10% 0.00
Length Submission does not meet length requirements. N/A N/A The initial post is at least 200 words. This does not include repeating the DB question or the citations and references. 15% 0.00
100% 0.00
Final Score 0
Percentage ERROR:#DIV/0!
Total available points = 4
Instructions: First enter total points possible in cell C15, under the rubric. Next enter scores (between 0 and 4) into yellow cells only in column F.
Rubric Score Grade points Percentage
Low High Low High Low High
3.5 4.0 0 0 90% 100%
2.5 3.49 0 0 80% 89.99%
1.7 2.49 0 0 70% 79.99%
0.0 1.00 0 0 0 69.99%

safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses

W 7  Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Share your opinions about holistic and allopathic care. Would have any conflicts or concerns supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic medicine? 

 Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum. Word limit 500 words. Support your answers with the literature and provide citations and references at least 5 years old in APA, 7th ed. format. 

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing