551 uni 7

Darlene, age 32 years, has been having back pain for a number of years, ever since suffering a compressed L2 disc as the result of a motor vehicle accident that led to surgery and extensive physiotherapy. Now she is missing time from work as a secretary because of constant pain. Darlene has been referred to you for chronic pain.

  1. As the nurse practitioner working with Darlene, what aspects of disorders of pain are important to understand?
  2. How would you effectively manage Darlene’s pain at this time?

Instructions: discussion post, 1 page is long enough. APA format. Has to have 3 references. 


Respond to  two of your colleagues’ posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.

Apa format

see attachment 


A Bloated Bureaucracy and an Inclusive Supreme Court


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

· Textbook: Chapter 13, 14

· Lesson: Read this Week's Lesson which is located in the Modules tab

· Initial Post: minimum of 2 scholarly sources (must include your textbook for one of the sources). Follow-Up Post: minimum of 1 scholarly source for your Follow-Up Post.

· Your Initial Post and your Follow-Up Post must be based on the same Option that you chose in order to receive credit for both posts. 

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life? Do you see the bureaucracy as an effective aspect in your life or do you see issues with the bureaucracy as it stands? Why/why not? List one issue you would change concerning the bureaucracy and how you would remedy the issue.

Option 2: Identify a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court and discuss the nature of the case and the basis of the argument the Supreme Court used to reach the decision. Explain why you agree or disagree with the ruling?

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to the same Option you chose for your Initial Post (i.e., if you chose Option 1 for your Initial Post, your Follow-Up Pst should also be for Option 1). Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.


The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition

[email protected]

PWD: Bryanthierry@09

Unit 11 Medications for Pain Management. Peer Response Due 11-14-23. 800w. 4 references


Unit 11 – Discussion Medications for Pain Management.



Course Number and Title



Concerns about the use of opioids for pain management

Many parties are concerned about the use of opioids for pain management because that which makes them effective also makes them dangerous. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and incite a pleasurable sensation while dulling pain when they bind to receptors in the brain. However, opioids have a pleasurable, tempting effect for some, and their continuous use has a high risk of leading to misuse, abuse, and eventual addiction. At higher doses, opioids can cause fatal heart rate and respiration slowdowns, whereas, at lower dosages, they may only make patients drowsy. Increased attention has been brought about by the increasing incidence of opioid use disorder and the related health effects. Opioids are useful for numbing pain, but they have a double-edged impact since they may also cause tolerance, physical dependency, and addiction.

Furthermore, opioid overdose has elevated to a serious public health emergency, grabbing the attention of governments and medical professionals everywhere. Because of the rising death rates associated with opioid overdoses, with over 75% of overdose cases related to opioids in 2021 (CDC, 2021), the U.S. government, in particular, has taken the lead in fighting the opioid crisis. The illegal usage of synthetic opioids like fentanyl has contributed significantly to the rise in opioid overdose mortality observed in recent years. The American government has responded by enacting several laws, tightening prescription regulations, boosting access to alternative medication, and expanding the availability of addiction treatment programs. These efforts indicate a thorough effort to address the many problems related to the use of opioids in pain treatment.

Article “America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach”

The article presents a timely and comprehensive understanding of the opioid crisis in the U.S. and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the crisis. I agree with the article’s overall premise of the vital necessity of implementing an integrated public health strategy to successfully address this issue, particularly in light of the ongoing rise in overdose fatalities and the fall in life expectancy. Notably, I also think it is necessary to use a collaborative approach across different disciplines, such as neuroscience, pharmacology, epidemiology, treatment services, and prevention, and to integrate interventions across diverse settings for a holistic response.

The article highlights four interrelated themes that encompass the essential elements of a successful public health strategy: bridging the gap between implementation science and practice, person-centered approaches for prevention and treatment, social determinants of health and disease, and using data to build learning systems of care. These topics highlight how important it is to address the intricate relationships between biological and social elements and how development affects brain function and sensitivity to outside stimuli. However, one aspect I would add to the article is to emphasize the role that the pharmaceutical industry, companies, and the drive for profit played in the development and severity of the crisis. It is well-documented that companies such as Purdue Pharma marketed opioids aggressively and had sale agents and sponsored doctors who pushed for more prescriptions; this started the cycle of addiction (Arteaga et al., 2021). Therefore, any comprehensive approach to address the opioid crisis requires new legislation that prevents companies from pushing prescriptions for profit.

Disorders commonly associated with patients who also need pain relief

The demand for pain relief and mental health concerns frequently coexist, complicating healthcare situations. Depression and chronic pain are commonly associated and co-occur with anxiety in people with chronic pain problems (Murez, 2021). Psychological and physical distress co-occurrence can intensify pain perception and impede efficient treatment. Because of the complex relationship that exists between depression and chronic pain, treating both conditions at the same time requires an integrated strategy. The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders and chronic pain issues is another significant correlation. Anxiety can cause increased pain sensitivity and intensify one’s subjective perception of pain (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021). Additionally, it may exacerbate avoidance habits, preventing patients from participating in physical therapy or other non-pharmacological pain relief techniques.


The Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) is a standardized metric used in the healthcare industry to quantify the strength and equivalence of different opioid drugs and facilitate simpler comparisons of their effects. When opioid doses must be translated to a standard measure for safety, effectiveness, and regulatory considerations, the MME is very helpful in clinical practice and research. An opioid’s potency in relation to a standard, usually morphine, is represented by a conversion factor, which is applied to determine the MME for a particular opioid. A uniform metric helps assess and compare the various amounts of opioids patients are given, facilitating safer and more effective pain management.

Since MME gives medical providers a common standard to discuss and track opioid doses, it is crucial to reduce the dangers associated with opioid medication. Because it enables a more thorough assessment of a patient’s opioid regimen, this method also helps lower the risk of an opioid overdose. In addition to being beneficial for healthcare professionals, MME is also a crucial instrument for legislators, allowing them to create policies and rules that promote safer prescription practices.


Arteaga, C., Barone, V., Lleras-Muney, A., Reber, S., Maclean, C., Aslan, M., Kroft, K., Zarate, R., Weisburst, E., Van Effenterre, C., & Price, D. (2021).
The Opioid Epidemic: Causes and Consequences.

Blanco, C., Wiley, T. R. A., Lloyd, J. J., Lopez, M. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2020). America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach.
Translational Psychiatry,

Centers for Disease Control. (2021).
Understanding the epidemic | CDC’s response to the opioid overdose epidemic |.

Murez, C. R. (2021).
Chronic Pain and Mental Health: The Empowered Patient’s Guide.

Publishing, H. H. (2021).
Pain, anxiety, and depression. Harvard Health.

Stahl, S. M. (2021).
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology.

The Five R's

Apply the framework of The Five R’s approach to ethical nursing practice from this week’s reading to answer the questions about values and choices.

What are values?

Q. What are your personal values?

Q. Why do you value them?

Q. What are the values in your society?

Q. How do you make choices?

Q. Are your choices based on your values?

Q. What values are useful in society?

What are the limits to personal choice?

Q. Who limits your choices?

Q. Are limits to choices good?

Q. Do you limit other people’s choices?

Q. Should the health care organization or the government limit people’s choices? If so, how, and under what circumstances?

In your responses to peers, feel free to agree, disagree, question, compare, and discuss each other’s responses in a way that fosters thoughtful and respectful dialog. You may also address the following: Did any responses surprise you? If so, how? Did reading your peers’ responses to the questions expand your own view of ways to answer questions?

Finally, consider this: A common idea in health care is that if you are drawn to health care as a profession, you are inherently guided by an inner compass that is composed of a strong moral framework. Why is this a dangerous assumption?



Apply appropriate nursing care interventions for clients during pregnancy, labor, and birth.


You are a registered nurse (RN) working in a Women’s OB/GYN Clinic. Elizabeth Jones, 37 years old, presents to the prenatal clinic after missing her last 2 menstrual cycles. Her home pregnancy test was positive. An ultrasound at the clinic confirms pregnancy. Gestational age is calculated to be 10 weeks. An initial assessment of Ms. Jones’s medical and obstetrical history is as follows.

Obstetric/Gynecologic (OB/GYN) history: Uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39.2 weeks (3 years ago); Cesarean section x 1 at 37.5 weeks for non-reassuring fetal heart tones (1.5 years ago); abnormal Papanicolau (PAP) smear x2, + human papilloma virus (HPV), colposcopy within normal limits

Medical history: Chronic hypertension (HTN) x 5 years;

Allergies: Penicillin

Social history:

· (+) tobacco, “occasional” per client (pt), <5 per/day currently, has smoked “off and on” for 15 years

· (+) cocaine use, states she has not used any cocaine/drugs for > 1 year; (-) alcohol use

· Abusive partner with first pregnancy, states she has a new partner x 4 years

· Depression, currently not taking meds for treatment (tx)

Medications: Prenatal vitamins; Labetalol 200mg BID;

Family history: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (mother); HTN and heart disease (father); breast cancer (maternal grandmother, deceased)


Write a three-page analysis of this scenario that answers the following questions:

1. What should the nurse consider related to caring for a client with a history of domestic abuse, drug use, sexually transmitted diseases and depression?

2. Document the considerations of yourself as the professional nurse in regards to self-awareness; be aware of attitudes, values and beliefs that you hold related to clients from different social backgrounds so that care is not affected negatively.

3. What conditions are in Mrs. Jones history that would cause concern during pregnancy, labor, and birth?

4. What concerns should be discussed with Ms. Jones before she leaves her appointment?

Each answer to your question should include the following:

· A correct answer with thorough development of the topic

· Gives clinical examples

· Include evidence from scholarly sources

· Appropriate use of medical terminology


· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· Logical, original and insightful

· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format

Human Nutrition


Reading and understanding food labels can often feel like having to understand an entirely new language. However, it is important that consumers are able to read and interpret the nutrient content in the foods they consume.

For this assignment, you will need to compare the nutrition labels (provided) for two types of crackers, and then answer a series of questions. Use the Food Label Worksheet below.


Food Label Worksheet 

critical thinking

You are the Corporate Director for Universal Medical Supplies, Inc. You have been asked to present at an upcoming business leadership conference. The presentation will cover Critical Thinking for Challenges in Communication in the Workplace, related to specific topics. The intended audience is business leaders in many different industries.


Choose an element of or an issue related to
one of the following specific workplace challenges: Conflict Resolution, Diversity Awareness, or Gender Issues. Create a slideshow presentation that includes concepts of critical thinking related to your chosen topic and include industry examples. Audio narration/voiceover must be incorporated that fully explains your ideas.

Your presentation should include:

· An introductory slide.

· Minimum of 2 slides on critical thinking skills in reading, listening, and writing, related to your chosen topic.

· Minimum of 2 slides on valid and invalid arguments, including cogent reasoning, related to your chosen topic.

· Minimum of 2 slides on inductive and deductive reasoning, related to your chosen topic.

· Minimum of 1 slide on inference in communication, related to your chosen topic.

· A conclusion slide to summarize ideas presented.

· Reference slide with all resources listed.

· Audio/voiceover narration to accompany the slideshow. It should be between 7 and 10 minutes in length and include detailed information about the topics on each slide.

Create a final presentation using a screen recording tool such as Screencast-O-Matic or PowerPoint with audio.

For assistance with creating a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover, please see the following:


Rasmussen Guide to Writing PowerPoint Presentations


How do I make a video of a PowerPoint presentation using Screencast-O-Matic?


How do I create an audio recording (with PowerPoint)?

customer service ip 3

 This soft drink brand is recognized worldwide. The drink has one of the most recognized corporate logos and is sold in over 200 countries through 250 bottlers throughout the world.

This company’s story began in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886, when pharmacist John Pemberton was experimenting with a recipe that he later mixed with carbonated water and began to sell at his drugstore. Two years after its invention, Pemberton sold his secret formula to a businessman by the name of Asa Candler, who formed a corporation to bottle and distribute the trendy drink. He later sold the rights to two other businessmen who wanted to bottle the drink to enhance distribution. Candler sold syrup that his company produced to these distributors, but not his secret formula. They simply mixed the syrup with carbonated water and bottled it. From there, the product became a household name as more people began to take the drink home to enjoy.

Competitors soon emerged. To ensure that people could tell the original from the competition, the distributors created the trademarked contour bottle in 1916 so that customers would recognize the original product. Candler ultimately sold his company in 1919 to a group of investors, with Robert Woodruff as the president. The new group wanted to make the drink available anytime and anyplace. To accomplish this, the new company started adding bottling plants all over the world.

The six Ps of the company vision statement highlight its purpose and desired future objectives—people, portfolio, partners, planet, profit, and productivity.

To assist in accomplishing its vision, the company established a foundation in 1984. This entity focuses on helping and giving back to communities worldwide. Some of the issues supported in various countries include water stewardship (providing safe, clean drinking water), lifestyle and behavioral change programs (e.g., nutrition, exercise, and behavior modification), recycling, and education.

Assignment Details

Answer the following questions 

  1. What is your opinion of this company? Explain.
  2. Based on what you know or what you read on the Internet or in other sources, do you believe that the company is customer-focused? Why or why not?
  3. How does the company’s community involvement potentially affect its image in the eyes of customers or potential customers?

discussion 5 diversity


After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Jay and Sue Kim, ages 29 and 26 years and married for 2 years, immigrated from South Korea and settled in Los Angeles. They have lived in a small one-bedroom apartment since their arrival. Both graduated from the same Korean university with baccalaureate degrees in English literature. They have one child, Joseph, age 1 year. When they arrived in the United States, Jay was unable to find a job because of his poor proficiency in English, despite his major in English literature. He eventually obtained a job with a moving company through a church friend. Sue is not working because of their son. Although the Kim’s did not attend a church before immigration, they are now regularly attending a Korean Protestant church in their neighborhood.

Sue is pregnant again, determined by a home pregnancy kit, with their second child and concerned about the medical costs. They did not use any contraceptives because she was breastfeeding. Because of financial limitations, Sue did not initially have prenatal care with her first pregnancy. However, she did keep up with the Korean traditional prenatal practice, tae-kyo. Eventually, she received help from her church and delivered a healthy son. She is not sure whether she can get financial help from her church again but is confident that her second child will be healthy if she follows the Korean traditional prenatal practices.

Jay is concerned about job security because he recently heard from colleagues that the moving company might soon go bankrupt. Although Jay has not been satisfied with his current job (he thinks that he is overqualified), this news is still a cause for concern. Moreover, Sue’s recent pregnancy has made Jay more stressed, and he has started drinking alcohol. Joseph cannot stand up by himself and still wants to be breastfed. Although Sue has tried to give foods such as oranges, apples, steamed rice, and milk (because she is now pregnant), Joseph refuses to eat them and cries for breastfeeding. Joseph’s weight is low-normal for same-age babies.

  1. Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care?
  2. How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?
  3. Describe cultural attitudes toward drinking among Koreans.
  4. Identify two or three culturally congruent strategies a healthcare provider might use to address Jay’s drinking.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.