Discussion 250 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric
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This week our readings took us into Specific Aspects of Health Promotion for the following conditions: Weight Management and Digestive Wellness, Cardiovascular Wellness, and Respiratory Wellness.
Imagine you are leading a focus group which is implementing one of the nursing interventions learned for a specific health problem.
Having you as a moderator of a community focus group that will explore knowledge, believes, attitudes and behaviors about your selected health problem [you may select any health problem]:
Define your group and the setting for the activity, applying statistical principles of sample size and homogeneity.
Create and share an opening question to explore perceptions of the health risks associated with your topic of interest.
Create a question that should explore beliefs and perceptions about external influences related to your selected topic.
Create a third question that will help you in understanding the perception (in group members) of roles towards improving the health problem.
Please remember for discussion posts: the initial post must be uploaded by the WEDNESDAY of the week and two replies to your peers by Saturday at 2359.
Please note the grading rubric for the discussion board.
As a reminder, all discussion posts must be a minimum of 250 words, references must be cited in APA format 7th Edition and must include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5 years.
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critical thinking
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskModule 02 Content
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You are a Training Specialist hired by Universal Medical Supplies, Inc. This organization has been experiencing low productivity and errors in communication in the workplace. As part of an ongoing professional development series, the Vice President of the Human Resources department has tasked you with creating Critical Thinking training materials. The materials will be presented in many forms and by various means to help improve productivity and communication in the organization.
For a company training webinar, you will create an infographic using text and images that illustrate the concepts associated with cogent reasoning skills.
Use the Rasmussen library or other credible online resources to research one or more online articles about the topic of cogent reasoning and valid vs. invalid arguments.
Create an infographic that includes the following elements:
· Images and text that illustrate valid arguments.
· Images and text that illustrate invalid arguments.
· Images and text that illustrate cogent reasoning.
· An example of using evidence in defending an argument.
· An example of using evidence in refuting an argument.
· Include a space for references for the images and ideas used in the infographic.
your own words when adding text to the infographic, and create
your own charts and diagrams. Do not copy/paste text, charts, diagrams, etc. directly into your infographic. Submit your infographic in a Word or PDF document.
Finding credible and reliable online resources
What is an infographic, and how do I create one?
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the
Course Calendar for specific due dates.
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/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskDevelop a cover letter, resume, Portafolio: philosophy statement, Personal goals (short term and long term), Self-assessment and other professional resources that meet the requirements outlined in the Career Planner Guide.
Resume …. history of working in an emergency psychiatric crisis facility since November 2016. working in children and adolescent units and also with adults. put nursing skills related to psychiatric
Checklist for Cover Letter
Cover letters are typically tailored to individual jobs and companies. For this
Assignment, you will select a job posting you would like to or could potentially apply for and create a cover letter for it.
Your cover letter should be:
Presented and formatted in professional business manner
Addressed properly
Clear and concise (no more than one page) and include:
o Content introduction
o Content body
o Content conclusion
Written in a professional tone and include:
o Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
o Clear and accurate sentence structure
Checklist for Resume
Your resume should be clear, concise, and well organized, and it should also include
Name, location (city/town and state), business phone number, and email address
(centered at top of resume)
Objective: 2–3 sentences describing your goal/objective for employment (goal/objective in relation to psychiatry)
Certifications & licenses (RN registered board and PMHNP)
Education (Florida University 2014-2016 associete nurse and 2017-2018 bacherlor nurse.. 2020-2023 currently PMHNP Walden University)
Professional experience (Palmetto General Hospital crisis unit 2016 to present)
Honors/Awards (as applicable) (no applicable)
Checklist for Portfolio
Your Portfolio should be clear, concise, and well organized, and it should also include
Personal philosophy statement (1-page)
Personal goals (short term and long term)
evidence based
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NUR640 Week 3 Assignment 3.1 Page 1
Assignment Title: Sampling Methods
Step 3 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Research Proposal)
Assignment Overview:
For your Research Proposal Step 3, you will submit your target population listed and a clearly stated and though description of your study population with scholarly sources. There is a sampling plan that identifies the sampling method. There is a clear and thorough description of the sample. There is a precise procedure detailing how participants will be selected. There is a thorough description of the research setting, and a detailed description of the recruitment plan. There is a clear and thorough description of all ethical considerations related to your mini-research project.
The final copy of your Step 3 Research Proposal assignment is on or before Sunday at 11:59pm just before Week 4 begins at the latest. Be sure to use the file naming protocol: NUR640_EBP Step 3_last name_mmddyyyy.
Assignment Details:
For this assignment, you will write part of Step 3 of your Research Proposal. Use the discernment gained from your Human Subjects Certificate Discussion Board regarding ethical considerations for your own EBP Proposal.
Sampling Plan: Describe your sampling plan that identifies the sampling method you will utilize. Describe your sample in detail.
Research Setting: Describe your research setting. For example, is your setting where you work?
Recruitment Plan: Describe your recruitment plan in detail.
Ethical Considerations: Describe whether your EBP Proposal could go through an expedited IRB approval. Why or why not?
Note: In your Step 3 state what instrument you will be using for your EBP proposal.
Grading: Each part of your EBI proposal has a grading rubric. All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Each Step of the EBP Proposal will then be added together in Week 5 assignment which will be graded again based on a new rubric that includes your best revision based on weekly instructor detailed feedback. Points will be lost if suggestions are not incorporated into the final Week 5 Submission of your EBP Proposal. (See Week 5 Assignment rubric).
Please Reply to the following 2 Discussions
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/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskDiscussion: PICOT Question
Over the course of the next eight weeks, we will be examining concepts related to nursing research and the translation of evidence to practice. To help you better understand the process, you will be identifying a practice issue for nurse practitioners.
You will develop a PICOT question associated with the issue, find evidence to support a change in practice, and present your recommendations for change to your peers. This week, we will work on helping you refine your area of interest so that you will be able to develop a concise question for next week’s assignment. You are encouraged to use the area of interest you chose for the project in NR500NP and/or NR501NP; however, you may choose a different area if you wish.
Select an issue in nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur. Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic. In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the scope and relevance of the issue and your recommended change. Provide reference support from at least two outside scholarly sources to support your ideas.
Please pick something you can do as a NP in your practice that is patient focused. Your intervention needs to relate to a measurable patient health outcome. Please avoid anything that would require a policy or law change, such as full-practice authority. Burnout and satisfaction surveys also are not appropriate topics as they are not patient centered.
Review this 4-minute video to gain a better understanding of the requirements of a PICOT question. The PICOT question is not a research question, but a quality improvement issue that requires a practice change.
Hello, my name is Dr. Lynch. Hey, I'm an assistant professor a Chamberlain University College of Nursing. Today we're gonna talk about pico questions and best practices in formulating these questions. There are five parts to a pico question. Patient intervention, comparison, outcome in time. The slides subsequently we will discuss each part of this question. The first ingredient for cooking up a pico question is population. Pick a broad topic, drill down, focus down so that then your population is very specific. Type two diabetic female patients age 30 to 40 who consume over 400 g of carbohydrates per day. A bunch more specific population then patients with diabetes intervention. What intervention do you think will make a difference? Is that supported by the scholarly literature? What is being done in clinical practice today? Are there better alternatives? You must use an intervention based on scholarly literature? Remember the definition of scholarly literature is a US based peer reviewed journal article geared for clinicians published in the past five years, or the latest clinical practice guideline. Comparison. So what is the standard of care currently? Patients without the intervention, patients without a condition, patients without risk factor. This part defines another population who will be used as a comparison against the group receiving the intervention. What is your desired outcome? The outcome should relate directly to the intervention and outcomes should be measurable. Time. This is a specific timeframe to demonstrate the outcome. In quality improvement efforts, the timeframe has to be realistic and manageable. Not over years, may not be even over months, but it could be. But it is usually a short timeframe to make an improvement effort. Many students ask what the differences between pico research and quality improvement questions. This chart will help you understand the difference. The pico question used here is in postoperative kidney transplant adults aged 65 to 75, how does a health coach compared with no health coaching affect hospital readmission rates within 90 days of discharge? This is a perfect pico question compared to the research question or QI question that also could be asked about this matter. Here's an example. In real life, you're a nurse practitioner working in a skilled nursing facility, the rate of false as unacceptable. And your care team has come together to discuss what should be done about this. Your pico question is, in elderly patients between age 65.75 residing in a sniff, how do fall prevention programs with risk assessment compared to fall prevention programs without risk assessment effect fall rates within 90 days after the intervention. So you can see how this question will guide how you view the literature on this topic. You will be looking for fall prevention with risk assessment in the scholarly literature to see what has worked in other places. What are the crucial ingredients in an outpatient fall prevention program? The literature holds the key, holds the answer to these questions. If you need further assistance, please contact your instructor directly. You can also contact the librarians at the Chamberlain library who can be accessed through many means, email, chat on real time. This material comes from Malbec and find out overhauled book evidence-based practice in nursing and health care, a guide to best practice, which is a great addition to your library.
Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease
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Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.
Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum. Initial post must be made by Day #3. Word limit 500 words. Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.
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Case for the Ongoing Development and Use of Nursing Grand Theories
Case for the Obsolescence of Nursing Grand Theories
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskRead the article “Thinking Like a Nurse: A Research-Based Model of Clinical Judgment in Nursing” by Christine Tanner, which is attached below:
In at least three pages, answer the following questions:
- What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things?
- In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition?
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