Write a 1-2 page about some of the Best Practices you have learned about during this course. How will these practices improve patient’s outcomes? You must use APA and have at least three references less than three years old to support your choices. 

PN3 course

BHA320 Module 2 Case Management of Health Programs

8/31/23, 6:45 PM Case – BHA320 Management of Health Programs (2023AUG14FT-1) 1/2

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Health care management requires leadership skills which will test your ability to make vital decisions.
“Like a rapidly mutating cancer cell, poor leadership within healthcare systems can cause toxic
symptoms that adversely impact organizational work cultures and staff satisfaction and lead to
burnout” (Werberg, 2010, para. 1). Assessments made by leadership have a direct relation to many
areas, including but not limited to the following: The quality of care provided, staff morale, and
organizational reputation. As a trailblazer of your organization, you will use effective leadership skills to
manage/avoid conflict, make effective recommendations, manage staff, and protect the overall
quality/efficiency of the organization. To make effective decisions as a leader you should identify the
major facts, indicate if or what problems exist, and finally, recommend a solution.

This assignment requires you to review a practical case study and analyze the elements of poor
leadership. The case study also explores characteristics of a health care leader while introducing
safety culture. Your assessment and responses to the realistic scenario should be based off leadership

Werberg, D. (2010). Transformational leadership and staff retention: An evidence review with
implications for healthcare systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly. 34(3), 246-258. doi:

Case Assignment

Read the following case study published by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement:

Griner, P. (2017). Case study: On being transparent. Retrieved from

After reading the case study, you should complete a 2- to 3-page case analysis that includes three
distinct sections (in addition to your introduction and conclusion):

1. Major Facts – Summarize the facts in the case. This includes the most important incidents in the
case. Avoid simply restating the case.

2. Problem(s) – From the facts it should reveal the problems that need attention. Specify those
problems and explain their significance.

3. Solution and Expected Outcome – Recommend a solution, and for each recommendation provide
an action on how it would be implemented. For each solution provide your expected outcome.

Assignment Expectations

1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your recommendations
and outcomes. You should have at least two solutions and two outcomes respectively.

2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.


8/31/23, 6:45 PM Case – BHA320 Management of Health Programs (2023AUG14FT-1) 2/2

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3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for
additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:

4. You may use Purdue OWL to assist in formatting your assignment:


Option 1

Though political scientists debate on the precise reasons for the low representation of women in Congress, the number of women serving in the House and Senate is significantly lower than that of men. Since the 1980s, the percentage of women in congress has consistently increased, yet they are still notably underrepresented (Chamberlain University, 2023). A complex problem, the underrepresentation of women in Congress has structural, political, and cultural roots. After the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920, several states, particularly in the west, granted women the right to vote. However, this restriction persisted until the 1960s civil rights movements and the enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Before the 1980s, women were less likely than males to vote and participate in politics. Today, women vote at a greater rate (4%) than men, yet there is still a dearth of women in congress in the United States (Greenberg, E. S. & Page, B. I., 2018).

The low representation of women in Congress, in my opinion, is due to a variety of factors, including gender stereotypes and roles that are special to girls' genders. As a result, girls may be exposed to fewer cues that encourage political activity, which in turn results in fewer women entering the political pipeline. Women currently have many obligations, including family, employment, housework, raising children, and providing for their education. As a result, they do not have enough time for politics, which may affect their ability to be represented in Congress. Sanbonmatsu, K. (2020), claims that due to the low number of women in Congress, American democracy may not require women's representation. According to the article, women make up 23.7 percent of congressional presentations in the United States, which is lower than the global average of 24 %. A statute or constitutional provision requiring a gender quota for candidates or officeholders does not exist in the United States, but the use of quotas in elections is on the rise globally. Women's representation in politics, in my opinion, might be improved by quota systems. To increase the number of women in Congress, gender equality should be promoted, and gender discrimination should be ended.


Chamberlain University (2023). Week 5: U.S. Congress and Presidency

Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018).
 The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Pearson.

Sanbonmatsu, K. (2020). Women’s Underrepresentation in the U.S. Congress. American Academic of Arts and Science.


Nutrition in Healthcare

Discussion 1

Every day, people make choices that affect their physical health and wellness. Some choices are influenced by the environment and social factors, which in turn contribute to people’s health outcomes. Healthcare professionals (i.e., physicians, nurses, dietitians, sports medicine, etc.) are responsible for their own health by making decisions and practicing behaviors that enhance their wellbeing. Healthcare professionals also have a responsibility to their clients. While responsibilities may vary among healthcare professionals, it is important the healthcare team is alert to clients’ nutrition problems and needs.

After studying 

Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources
, answer the following:

1. In one paragraph, give at least 2 examples of how culture, society, politics, or religion influences your nutrition. Discuss the role that food plays in your family or personal life.

2. Navigate to 
Your Digestive System and How it Works to an external site.
 View the webpage and share in 1 paragraph at least 1 example of something your learned about the digestive system.

3. Search the internet for 1 example of an over-the-counter medication designed to treat common digestive problems such as heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. Write 1 paragraph describing a) appropriate and inappropriate uses for this medication, and b) adverse health implications associated with misuse and/or overuse of this product.

Discussion 2

Carbohydrates have received a bad reputation, especially when it comes to their role in weight gain. All carbohydrates are not bad and the primary role of carbohydrates in the body is to supply the cells with glucose for energy. One type of carbohydrate is sugar. Some people are unaware that instead of avoiding all sugars, they can choose to include natural sugars found in vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruit. On the other hand, most people know that too much fat poses health risks, but may be surprised to learn that too little does, too.

After studying 

Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources
, answer the following:

1. Navigate to My Plate: to an external site.
 and to the Diabetes Plate: 

What is the Diabetes Plate Method?Links to an external site.
 ( then, submit at least 1 paragraph comparing both for

A. similarities

B. differences

C. share who should follow MyPlate and who should follow the Diabetes Plate method?

2. Navigate to the American Heart Association: to an external site.
 and to the National Cancer Institute: 

http://www.cancer.govLinks to an external site.
, submit a 1 paragraph analysis on the relationships between dietary fats and the risk of heart disease, cancer, or type 2 diabetes (choose one).

3. Choose a food label from your favorite snack, and take a picture of the Nutrition Facts on the food label. Navigate to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, “Interactive Nutrition Facts Label: to an external site.
 Choose one ingredient from your label. Share with the class one (1) health fact and (1) action step you learned about that ingredient in the interactive site.

4. Explain the differences between high-quality and low-quality proteins, and well-balanced vegetarian diets.

Discussion 3

The body manages its energy supply with amazing precision. Consider that many people maintain their weight within about a 10- to 20-pound range throughout their lives. How do they do this? How does the body manage excess energy? How do bones, muscle, fat, fluid, and other tissue influence our body composition? However, overweight, and underweight both result in energy imbalance. Almost 42% of adults aged 20 and above are overweight placing them at risk of developing chronic diseases that affect quality of life.

After studying 

Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources
, answer the following:

1. Conduct a nutrition/survey interview with 2 athletes and ask them a) what protein or amino acid supplements they use in their diet? and b) why do they use those supplements? Then, navigate to: 

www.quackwatch.orgLinks to an external site.
 and enter the name of the supplement. Provide 1 paragraph with your analysis of the products and what you found out about the products’ nutritional characteristics (see Chapter 5, page 132 of your textbook).

2. Search the internet for a popular weight-loss program (i.e., Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc.), and submit 1 paragraph with the following:

A. describe the diet plan

B. evaluate whether the plan offers a nutritionally reliable way to lose weight or is it a Fad Diet (see Chapter 7, Table NP7-1, page 193 of your textbook)

3. In 1 paragraph, describe type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes by providing:

A. characteristics

B. definition

C. causes & symptoms (see Chapter 20, Table 20.2, page 564 of your textbook).


Discussion Post-Chronic Renal Failure

Mr. Rojas is a 49-year-old patient with End Stage Renal Disease. He has a history of hypertension and uncontrolled type 1 diabetes (since he was 12 years old). His last Hemoglobin A1c was 12.8%. He is currently receiving hemodialysis three times per week for three hours. He is in the hospital because he went into DKA a few days ago when he had a stomach virus. He is asking you about renal transplantation.

  • What are the criteria to be placed in the transplant list?
  • What options for transplantation does Mr. Rojas have?
  • What recommendations can you give Mr. Rojas on treatment compliance?
  • What other renal replacement therapies could Mr. Rojas be educated about?
  • What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Must be at least 250 words. 

Cancer Treatment Options-Discussion Post


Mrs. Williams is a 27-year-old female diagnosed with breast cancer. She is currently in pharmacy school. She does not have children, but hopes to have them someday. She has been tested and has a genetic predisposition for this disease.

  • What treatment options does she have?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of those treatment options?
  • What would you tell Mrs. Williams if she decided to refuse treatment?
  • Mrs. Williams really wants to have children before she starts treatment. What would you educate her about? Why? Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

Initial post requirement must be 250 words minimum. The 2 peer responses must be 150 words minimum each. 

cultural diversity discussion 1


Select one of the discussion prompts below and respond to it with an initial post by Day #4 of the unit week. Your initial post needs to thoroughly address all parts of the selected prompt and be supported by at least one scholarly source. Then, respond to at least two threads on two additional days to drive the weekly discussions. All posts must demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations. All posts must also be submitted no later than the last day of the unit week.

Discussion Prompts

Prompt #1

How do you define “cultural diversity”? Do you think the way you define cultural diversity is the same or different than how others might define it? What elements contribute to a person’s “cultural identity”? What if everyone in the world had the same cultural identity? Do you think this would be a place you’d want to live? Why are discussions about cultural identity important?

(USLOs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Prompt #2

Share with us some of your personal and cultural identities. Please share 6 aspects of yourself with the group. Here are some identity categories, for example:

  • Cultural Heritage(s)
  • Nationality(-ies)
  • Family
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Religion/Religious influences
  • Sexual Identity
  • Disability Status
  • Language Community(-ies)
  • Character trait(s)

Do any of these identities relate to one another, if so, how? What would a person who read about your identity be able to reveal about you? What would a person who read about your identity not be able to tell about you? Do any of your cultural identity groups practice allyship? If they do not practice allyship, how might they engage in activities to be more inclusive and equitable?

soap for brilliant

Week 6: Problem-Focused SOAP Note

USE the template that I gave you before. Needs the 1st blank paper for cover sheet.

Some Rubric

Some Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcomes (Subjective)

10 pts

Symptom analysis is well organized, with C/C, OLD

CART, pertinent negatives, and pertinent positives. All

data needed to support the diagnosis & differential

are present. Is complete, concise, and relevant with

no extraneous data.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome (Objective)

10 pts

Complete, concise, well organized, well written, and

includes pertinent positive and pertinent negative

physical findings. Organized by body system in list

format. No extraneous data.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome

10 pts

Diagnosis and differential dx are correct, include ICD

code, and are supported by subjective and objective


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome (Plan) 10 pts


Plan is organized, complete and supported with 2

evidence-based references. Addresses each diagnosis

and is individualized to the specific patient and

includes medication teaching and all 5 components:

(Dx plan, Tx plan, patient education, referral/follow-

up, health maintenance).

10 pts

Total Points: 40

Patient initial: R. R

DOB: June/1991 Sex: F

Encounter Date: 08/08/2023


Chief Complaint:

History Of Present Illness:

appt is requested for URI

Medical History:

#. COVID 1/2022

#. hemorrhoids

#. Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, panic attacks

#. ADD

#. Insomnia

#. Allergic rhinitis

#. Psoriasis

#. Onychymycosis

Surgical History:


Gynecological History:

G2 P2 A0

Family History:

M: living, arrhythmia, palpitations

F: living, healthy

S: asthma

Social History:


-Lives with husband, 2 kids, and grandparents

-Authorization coordiinator at USC Keck, also student in digital marketing

-Denies tobacco use

-etoh use: Socially

-Denies illicit drug use

Smoking Status: Never Smoked


No known allergies

Current Medications:


Paxil 10 mg po qd

xanax 0.25 mg prn panic attacks

Adderall 20mg bid prn


Review of System:

Constitutional: Patient denies weight change, fever, chills, weakness, fatigue, sleep

changes, appetite changes.

Head: Patient denies headache.

Neck: Patient denies abnormal masses, neck stiffness.

Eyes: Patient denies vision loss, blurring, discharge, excessive tearing, dryness.

Ears: Patient denies hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, discharge, pain

Nose: #sinus congestion#

Mouth: Patient denies ulcers, bleeding gums, taste problems.

Throat: #sore throat#

Cardiovascular: Patient denies chest pain, chest pressure, palpitations, DOE,


Respiratory: #dry cough#

Patient denies shortness of breath, increased sputum, hemoptysis.

Gastrointestinal: #looser stools, frequency, occ incontinence#

Patient denies nausea, vomiting, heartburn, dysphagia, constipation, melena,

abdominal pain, jaundice, hemorrhoids.

Genitourinary: #urinary urgency and frequency, occasional incontinence#

Patient denies abnormal hesitancy, hematuria, dysuria, nocturia, stones.

Musculoskeletal: Patient denies arthralgias, joint stiffness, myalgias, muscle

weakness, instability and abnormal range of motion

Integumentary (Skin and/or Breast): Patient denies rash, lesions, changes in hair,

changes in nail, pruritus

Neurological: Patient denies headache, syncope, seizures, vertigo, ataxia, diplopia,

tremor, numbness, tingling.

Psychiatric: #depression, anxiety, ADD#

Patient denies mood abnormalities, memory loss, difficulty sleeping, appetite


Endocrine: Patient denies sensitivity to cold or heat, polyuria, polydipsia.

Hematologic/Lymphatic: Patient denies bleeding, bruising, lymphadenopathy.

GYN: #menorrhagia#

Patient denies changes in menstrual cycle, hot flashes.


Physical Exam:

Constitutional: #last exam done on 7/10/23 showed#

WD, WN, Alert, Oriented X3 in NAD. Affect appropriate. Gait normal.

Eye: PERRLA, EOMI, nl conjunctiva

Ear: No pinnea/tragal tenderness. Drums are visualized, no wax in canals

Nose: N1 mucosa. N1 Nasal septal walls and turbinates.

Mouth: N1 bucal mucosa, no lesions noted.

Throat: Clear, no erythema or exudates.

Neck: #thyroid fullness R#

supple, no masses. Trachea is midline. N1 carotid auscultation. No JVD

Cardiovascular: RRR, N1 S1 and S2, No cardiac murmurs, rubs or gallops.

Lungs: ctab, no wheezes, rhonchi or crackles

Chest/Breasts: deferred

Gastrointestinal (Abdomen): soft, nt, nd, bs(+). No palpable masses.

Genitourinary: #negative CVAT#


Lymphatic: -No LAN noted

Musculoskeletal: good ROM. Strength symmetrical and wnl. No muscle weakness or

stiffness. No joint effusion or ttp.

Skin: Normal color and texture. No lesions seen.

Extremities: Warm, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. N1 DP/PT pulses bilaterally

Neurological/Psychiatric: CN I-XII intact, neurosensory wnl, strength (5/5), (2+) DTR

UE/LE bilaterally -Judgment and insight intact



ICD-10 Codes:

1)J069; Upper respiratory infection, unspecified


Procedures (CPT code):

1) 99213; Detailed

2) 99401; 15 min


Promethazine-DM 6.25-15 MG/5ML Oral Syrup; Take 5 ml orally every 4 hours Take

as needed for dry cough; Qty: 120; Refills: 0

Care Plan:

.***URI- x4 days, sore throat, sinus congestion, dry cough, headache. took

tylenol/cough syrup, claritin with not much relief. sent home today from work, COVID

test today from work pending results. sisters also similar sxs, but has tested

negative for COVID.

-off work this week

-Rx promethazine/DM 5mL prn cough, r/b d/w pt

-sudafed and tylenol prn

-f/u 1 week, if no improvement and covid neg, come back in office for exam

***urinary incontinence- h/o occasional stress incontinence, however over last 1 mo,

c/o increasing urengency, frequency and 2 episodes of incontinence, which occured

with only minimal alcohol use. denies hematuria, dysuria. c/o menorrhagia

worsening after delivering her 2 yo. denies LBP/trauma/saddle paresthesia

-pelvic floor PT ordered

-UA/UCx ordered

-referred to uro gyn

-ordered transvaginal u/s r/o uterine fibroids

-counseled on wt loss. keep voiding journal

-avoid irritants such as caffeine/ETOH

***diarrhea- c/o looser stools, 4-5xd and few episodes of incontinence. c/o abd

cramping after bm, othewise no abd pain, fever, melena, wt loss. has had h/o abd

pain and cramping which we ordered stool studies, CRP, ESR but pt never did.

denies LBP/trauma/saddle paresthesia. abd exam normal today

-ordered stool studies, ESR, CRP

-referred to GI

-ER precautions

***Hyperlipidemia, lipoprotein deficiency- On 1/16/23, FLP showed 237/47/182/156.

Has lost 6 lbs intentionally since last visit.

-Rec low fat, low carb diet

-FLP with next annual

***obesity- BMI 31.37, wt 221 lbs, Has lost 6 lbs intentionally since last visit.


***thyroid fullness- noted on exam. 1/16/23, TSH wnl.

-ordered thyroid u/s 11/8/22, pt has not done yet

Plan Notes Continued: .

***trigger finger- unsure of duration, ono/off. R ring finger locks. Pt has seen hand

specialist in the past for another issue

-Rx ibuprofen as noted above, r/b d/w pt

-pt rec to f/u with hand specialist

***Vitamin D deficiency- On 1/16/23, Vitamin D level was 24. not supplementing.

-Rec Vitamin D 4000 IU qd

-Vitamin D level with next annual

***Onychymycosis- b/l feet on PEX on 2/1/23. pt is interested in tx.

-given the interactions between terbinafine and her psychiatric meds, I rec she

checked with them first before we start

***Depression, Anxiety- F/b psychiatrist, Dr. Askins and psychologist, Dr. Tricia

Duncan Hassle. Takes Paxil 10 mg po qd and xanax 0.25 mg prn panic attacks.

Denies SI/HI.

-mgmt per psych

***ADD- F/b psychiatrist, Dr. Askins. Takes Adderall 20mg bid prn.

-mgmt per psych

Patient Instructions: .


-Pt has been instructed to take medications as prescribed

-Pt received education on compliance with medications and recommendations

-Pt received counseling regarding Medication Side Effects

-Pt received counseling on following a well-balanced healthy diet with veg, fruit and


-Pt was instructed to do CV exercise at least 3-4 times every week for 30 minutes.



31 y/o F:

-Annual physical: done 2/1/23- next due 2/1/24

-Annual labs: done 1/16/23- next due 1/16/24

-Cervical CA screening: managed by GYN

-Skin CA screening; Referred to derm on 3/30/22


Tetanus: doen 2021- next due 2031

Influenza: Fall 2022

COVID19: Pfizer in 7/1/21, bivalent booster Pfizer 1/14/23

HPV: will check records

  • Week 6: Problem-Focused SOAP Note

Health Assessment 11


Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Module 11 Content


Top of Form

In a Word® document answer the following questions.

1. What two areas of knowledge have you gained?

2. What specific health assessment skills are you now able to integrate into your nursing care?

3. Are there any areas that still remain unclear? What will you do to increase your clarity?


Read pages 460-461 of your textbook to learn more about the challenges of long-term care. Based on what you have learned so far (1) Why is important and challenging to offer insurance for long-term care? (2) What kind of solution you can think of to increase value and/or reduce costs in long-term care? (3) Are there any type of organizations (think ACOs, etc) be able to offer these services at a low cost that would allow insurers to participate in this market?