
Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing identified
practice-related problems or questions. This strongly emphasizes collaboration between
advanced practice nurses and community agencies and include working with an agency
using practice data to provide answers, which are responsive to the needs of clinicians,
administrators, and policy makers for improvement of programs or practices.

This section of the change project should include a discussion of key concepts.

1. Clarify the issue under study.
2. Propose solutions or interventions based on the literature
3. Compare other views on the problem and solutions.
4. Address the APRN role in the intervention and discuss implications for clinical

5. Discuss the implications of your change project.
6. Some important things to consider and address:
7. Does your intervention have a clear connection to your research problem?
8. What are the specific methods of data collection you are going to use, such as

surveys, interviews, questionnaires, or protocols?
9. How do you intend to analyze your results?
10. Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure.
11. Describe potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that could affect

your data collection? How will you attempt to control the limitations?
12. How will your change project help fill gaps in understanding the research

13. This section should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference

page. You must reference a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.

14. Use the current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review

the rubric for more information on how the assignment will be graded.


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Content 64 to >52.48 pts

Meets Expectations

Succinctly clarifies the issue under study. Provides

a brief summary of the project including main

points and anticipated findings. Provides keen

insight into obstacles and proposes sound,

creative solutions or interventions based on the

literature review findings. Expertly compares other

views on the problem and solutions with detail.

Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role

in the intervention and discusses implications for

clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the

implications of the change project and its

significance to the nursing profession and filling

gaps in knowledge. Accurately categorizes and

thoroughly explains specific methods of data

collection to be used. Explains in detail how data

will be analyzed and used. Provides a sound

justification for subject selection and sampling

procedure. Accurately and thoroughly describes

potential limitations to data collection and control.

Meets all of the criteria of the written assignment.

64 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome

8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Content is well written throughout. Information is

well organized and clearly communicated.

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome APA


8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Follows all the requirements related to format,

length, source citations, and layout. The

assignment is free of spelling and grammatical


8 pts

Total Points: 80

  • Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

see below


Describe the problem or issue that your project will address.

  • What is the context or “big picture” of the problem or issue?
  • What is the significance of this problem?
  • Where does this problem “live” that is, what is the “neighborhood” like?

Specific Strategies and Tools


  • Week 3: General Quality Strategies and Tools (300) 
    • Create a comparative table that shows the various definitions, risks, and value of each of the following quality management tactics:
      • Establishing customer expectations
      • Designing quality
      • Defining metrics
      • Mistake-proofing
      • Kaizen
      • Six Sigma

Vital Organs / Unconscious State


After studying the course materials located on Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

  1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs.
  2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions.
  3. Is it possible to live without a vital organ? Why? Example?
  4. Distinction between assisting or substituting vital organs. Bioethical analysis.
  5. Do the following practices assist or substitute the vital organ? Why?
    • Dialysis
    • Respirator
    • Ventilator
    • Tracheotomy
    • CPR
  6. Read and summarize ERD PART FIVE Introduction.
  7. Unconscious state: Definition.
  8. Clinical definitions of different states of unconsciousness: Compare and contrast
  9. Benefit vs Burden: bioethical analysis.

Submission Instructions:
 is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.

  • If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style


After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:

  • The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
  • A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
  • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.


Write 2-3 pages applicable to your capstone project. Identify the stakeholders (use fictitious names for stakeholders) that will play a major part with your study and integrate with your project.

Topics to include:

  1. Roles of stakeholders
  2. Identify your stakeholders – are they supportive to your project?
  3. List of stakeholders who will be interested in the results of your project
  4. Promoting stakeholder participation
  5. Possible concerns/barriers from stakeholders
  6. Strategies that you will use to gain support and assistance from your stakeholders


  • US sources and topic is (nurse retention).
  • Length: 2-3  pages
  • Format: APA 7th ed.
  • Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

module 4 dicussion


Scenario – There is a new Board running the hospital, and they are aggressive about the hospital being the best in the State. They have decided that you are best suited to lead the nurses in the hospital so that they will initially get status. From there, they are planning on having the nurses lead the way by having every nurse be a leader in their field. Your knowledge of how to reach these milestones is the reason that you were selected to lead the nurses in the hospital.


  1. Read the scenario above, and then answer the following questions:
    1. What will the nurses need to do so that the hospital will become magnet status and be respected in the industry?
    2. What other certifications and awards, etc., will the nurses need to obtain so that the hospital will be named a magnet institution?
    3. What types of organizational designs and structures will need to happen for magnet status?
  2. Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.
    • Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions (Be sure that references are in APA format).
  3. Please respond to at least one (1) of your classmate’s postings.
  4. To see the grading rubric, click on the 3-dot menu 3-dot menu on the top-right side of screen. 

Unit 7 Discussion Case Study 600W. APA. 4 references due 10-17-23.

Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion

Unit 7 Discussion Case Study 600W. APA. 4 references due 10-17-23.

Case Study:

· Your patient is a 36-year-old woman with bipolar disorder and anxiety. She has been stable on a combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine for two years.  She is morbidly obese at 340 pounds at 5’5” in height, has type II diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.  She has concerns about her weight and has tried numerous ‘fad diets’ to no avail.  She explains she has lost, at most, 15 pounds and has been able to keep it off for three months. 

· She has three children, one of which is severely disabled, and a husband who has a terminal diagnosis. She expresses worry that her weight will impact her ability to care for her disabled child when her husband dies.  She reports she eats out frequently due to her children’s busy schedules.  She is a stay-at-home mother but gets little exercise and performs no regular physical activity. 

· She reports feelings of shame that she can no longer orgasm on the rare occasions her husband has the energy and desire to be intimate.


· What would be your approach to managing this patient’s weight concern? (Discuss at least two aspects of your approach). Please support your answer with research-based evidence. 

· What would be our approach to the sexual side effects she is experiencing? 

· If you suggested additional medication, look up your state’s prescribing laws. Are PMHNP’s able to prescribe the medication you recommended? 

· Please include the subjective and objective information in this post.

All responses must by supported by correct APA 7th edition formatted citations and references.

1. What would be your approach to managing this patient's weight concern? (Discuss at least two aspects of your approach). Please support your answer with research-based evidence. 

1. Non-pharmacological Approach

2. Pharmacological Approach

2. What would be our approach to the sexual side effects she is experiencing?

· Lifestyle changes, avoidance of stress or anxiety, drug therapy, physical activity, and psychological support. 

3. If you suggested additional medication, look up your state's prescribing laws. Are PMHNPs able to prescribe the medication you recommended?

· Additional medication is Flibanserin, the PMHNP can prescribe this without the supervision of a psychiatrist since PMHNP is Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner which is Board Certified. And/or hormonal therapy which is usually prescribed by a gynecological physician.

Please see the explanation below. 

Step-by-step explanation

Approach to solving the question:

· Identification of clinical problems that a bipolar patient attained, classification of nonpharmacological and pharmacological treatment of a patient, planning for therapies essential in treating the patient, and evaluation of the process for positive outcomes.

1. What would be your approach to managing this patient's weight concern? (Discuss at least two aspects of your approach). Please support your answer with research-based evidence. 

Non-pharmacological Approach

Detailed explanation: this is an approach that is essential in managing a patient's weight concern without the involvement of drugs to treat the weight problem. This aim is to provide alternative prevention in treating weight gain without any chemical side effects on the body. 
(Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing). 2021)

Examples: (1) Physical activity such as aerobic exercises, can help the patient maintain her within the normal range which will enhance her conditions of type II diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia and help in improving her sexual desire, (2) Healthy food intake such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nonsalty and fatty foods, can reduce the risk of weight gain, and increase blood pressure and cholesterol which can improve her well being, and (3) Peer support which is very helpful in getting motivation from those people who are experiencing the same situation with the patient which increase the chance of preventing to expose her self to stress and anxiety. 

Pharmacological Approach  

Detailed explanation: this is an approach that is essential in managing a patient's weight concern with the involvement of drugs to treat the weight problem. This aim is to provide drug prevention to avoid the progression of the presenting clinical manifestation and development of complications. 
(Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing). 2021)

Examples: (1) Phentermine-topiramate which is helpful in cutting the cravings, and lessens the appetite during stress and anxiety. This is helpful to increase the chance of weight gain especially when the patient attempted to expose herself to overeating.

2. What would be our approach to the sexual side effects she is experiencing?

· The approach
 to the sexual side effects the patient is experiencing are lifestyle changes, avoidance of stress or anxiety, drug therapy, physical activity, and psychological support. Sexual side effects based on the scenario are linked to the stress, anxiety, and weight gain of the patient. It is important that as a healthcare provider, you must assess the related factors to the presenting problem. For a patient with bipolar disorder, it is important to have a care plan to follow so that the patient will be encouraged to do. Lifestyle changes such as physical activity and eating healthy food are the most important since the patient tends to eat out frequently due to her children's busy schedules, gets little exercise, and performs no regular physical activity. If the patient is healthy, their sexual desire will improve and help her to have orgasms since her hormones are healthy. Avoidance of stress and anxiety is helpful in sexual desire because a patient who is stressed can affect the sympathetic nervous system limiting the blood flow to the genitals to achieve genital arousal. Also, therapies are helpful in correcting abnormal hormones in the body system. 
(Lancet Public Health. 2021)

3. If you suggested additional medication, look up your state's prescribing laws. Are PMHNPs able to prescribe the medication you recommended?

· Since the patient is already taking combinations of olanzapine which is useful in treating schizophrenic episodes and fluoxetine which is an antidepressant used in bipolar disorder and linked to weight loss, the additional medication that I may recommend is Flibanserin which is an antidepressant helpful in correcting the imbalance of the neurotransmitters in the brain increasing the chance to sexual desire. The PMHNP can prescribe this medication in all states because Flibanserin should be prescribed by a psychiatrist physician and certified nurse practitioners. Another additional medication that I would like to conclude is hormonal therapy like estrogen therapy because the abnormal level of hormones in the body affects the body in sexual desires and can lead to stress and anxiety. 
(Psychiatr Serv. 2018)


· Vancampfort D, Firth J, Correll CU, et al.. The impact of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to improve physical health outcomes in people with schizophrenia: a meta-review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. 
Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing).2021;19:116-28. 

· Mitchell K.R., Lewis R., O'Sullivan L.F., Fortenberry J.D. What Is Sexual Wellbeing and Why Does It Matter for Public Health? 
Lancet Public Health. 2021;6:e608-e613. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00099-2.  

· Blackmore M.A., Carleton K.E., Ricketts S.M. Comparison of collaborative care and colocation treatment for patients with clinically significant depression symptoms in primary care. 
Psychiatr Serv. 2018;69(11):1184-1187. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201700569.

Oncologic emergencies



Read the article, “Oncologic emergencies in a cancer center emergency department and in general emergency departments countywide and nationwide”.  You may access the article in the resource folder. 

Thoroughly review the complete research article exploring the management of oncologic emergencies in critically ill patients visiting the Emergency Department (ED). Focus on patient characteristics, diagnoses, and factors influencing hospitalization.

Your case study should demonstrate a thorough grasp of the entire article, using specific details to support your points. This assignment aims to assess your ability to distill complex medical information into a focused case study, highlighting essential strategies for managing oncologic emergencies in critically ill patients. 

Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.  

Case Study Focus:

Based on your comprehensive reading, create a Case study highlighting key strategies for effectively managing oncologic emergencies in critically ill patients.

Key Points

Resource Optimization: Explain how increased resource utilization and hospitalization rates among cancer patients impact healthcare delivery. Discuss strategies to optimize resources while maintaining high quality care.

Timely Diagnosis: Emphasize the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention. Provide examples from the article illustrating the benefits of early recognition and swift treatment.

Tailored Interventions: Explore the concept of tailoring treatments to individual oncologic conditions. Share insights on customizing interventions based on diagnoses outlined in the article.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Discuss the value of multidisciplinary collaboration in managing critically ill patients. Describe how different specialties can work together for comprehensive patient care.

Risk Stratification: Explain the role of risk assessment in identifying high-risk patients and the significance of early interventions to prevent complications.

Education and Training: Address the impact of education and training on enhancing oncologic emergencies management. Highlight the benefits of well informed healthcare professionals.

Conclusion: Summarize key insights from the article and emphasize the patient centered approach to managing oncologic emergencies in critically ill patients.


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