Nursing Assignment Golden Age and Macromolecules

Golden Age of Microbiology: Use the given active learning template (ALT) to connect Scientists with their discoveries in 1-2 sentences. (Slide 1; 2.5 points)

Carolus Linnaeus

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Alexander Fleming

Joseph Lister

Ignaz Semmelweis

Robert Koch:
(Slide 2; 3 points)

Summary of Key Work:

Organisms Studied:

Other Findings:


Louis Pasteur:
S-shaped Flask experiment
(Slide 3; 2 points)


Experimental Design:



Note for students: Macromolecules is a review from prior courses. This topic may or may not be covered in-class or online. You may use your textbook or books from prior courses for this ALT. (Slide 4; 2.5 points)

Complete the following table by describing the terms in1-2 sentences with their function and examples

Carbohydrates Functions and Examples
Lipids Functions and Examples
Level of protein structure Structural organization

Complete the following Table by adding information on bonds that participate in creating certain level of protein structure and if biological activity is present in that level of structure (Slide 5; 2 points)

Give an example of a disease that occurs due to errors in protein folding: ___________________________________

Type of NA Composition of the nucleotide Location, Function and types Structure and sugars

The two types of Nucleic acids ________________ and ______________

Role of ATP _________________________________________________________

Complete the following table about the composition, structure and functions of Nucleic acids (NA).

(Slide 6; 3 points)

CP 3

The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) overall aims are to advance the nursing profession and improve healthcare for all. They appeal to each legislative session of the U.S.Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, to address nursing legislative priorities. 

Six main legislative priorities were identified by the ANA for the 117th Congress. Each priority has several items

Review each and choose two items that you believe are the most important and discuss why you chose them.

Research Question

Topic: Atherosclerosis

-etiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.

-potential for heart disease and stroke.

at least two sources and masters level terminology

two pages. 

Ageism Discussion 1


Respond to these questions, including references to your readings on ageism.

  • What is one example of ageism that you have witnessed in healthcare?
  • How do you think ageism affects older adults?
  • What do you think nurses can do to stop ageism in healthcare settings?
  • Compare  the Long-term health care cost burden of older adults in the United  States with other countries such as Canada, Germany, or the United  Kingdom (pick one country). Who bears the burden of the long-term health  care cost of the older adult?

Week 6 DQ 2

In the video “How’s Your Social Health”, the speaker presents a tool to measure social health. Have you encountered anything similar in your studies thus far? Perhaps in a clinical setting? Why is measuring social health so important? 

Nursing HOMEWORK 10

Mental Status Exam Assignment

PNSG 1524 Mental Health

Use the interactive MSE form and interview another person. This could be a family member, roommate, classmate, etc. Keep in mind that many of the items on the form deal with observation of your “patient”; it is not just about asking questions. Look at the person you are interviewing and really think about what you are seeing. Also use your other senses, such as sound, smell, etc. All those things are important when assessing an individual’s mental status. Write 1-2 paragraphs describing how the interview went. Please answer each of the following questions:

1. What observations did you make regarding your “patient”; how did they appear and react to your questions?

1. Were there any areas you felt uncomfortable asking about?

1. Could you think of different ways to make the person you interviewed feel more comfortable?

1. What type of therapeutic communication techniques did you use?

1. How might you incorporate what you learned here when caring for patients in the future?

This form is a helpful tool that you can use when you assess any patient, it is not only for use in a mental health setting (although you can use it when you go for your mental health observation). Remember, people with mental health diagnoses are found in every clinical (and non-clinical) setting you can think of. It is just as important to assess a patient’s mental status as it is to assess their physical status.

This is for practice only; I do not need (or want) to see the results of the exam! Also, you can skip some of the areas of the MSE for this assignment that might seem too personal, such as the demographic section, but you would not want to skip any area if you were assessing a “real” patient.

Please place your completed assignment in the designated Dropbox by
the due date indicated.

module 3 discussion

 Mary is 27 years old and has had a history of alcohol dependence for several years. Mary has a daughter Kylie, aged 3 years, who displays signs of fetal alcohol syndrome. Social work services have been involved with Mary and Kylie since her birth, culminating in Kylie being looked after by the local authority as a result of Mary arriving to collect Kylie from the local nursery while significantly under the influence of alcohol. Mary has demonstrated ambivalence regarding her ability to control her alcohol use. Mary has referred herself to a local counseling agency as suggested by the social worker and her PCP. 

week 6 discussion answers

Please respond to each discussion post with 4 to 5 sentences with apa references for each 



Amy, a 3 year old girl is brought to your office by her mother because she has a fever and complains that her ear hurts. She has no significant medical history. The child is not pleased to be in the provider’s office and has been crying. Her mother explains that she developed a “cold” about 3 days ago with sniffles. As she cries she continues to cough and has yellowish nasal discharge. 

Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.

Dietitian vs Nutritionist

Careers in Pharmacy and Dietetics

The lecture from our registered dietician touched on the point that a dietician and a nutritionist are very different in terms of their training and educational background. More specifically anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, there is no formal license or standard certification process for this designation.  However, as you now know, the path to become a registered dietician is much more complicated and comes with extensive educational, training and licensure/certification requirements.  Most people are surprised to find this out!

I’d like you to reflect on the difference and address each of the following questions:  (a) Did this information surprise you or did you already know the difference between the two designations?  (b) Have you or someone close to you had any personal experience with a nutritionist that you now question? (c) Will you look more closely at what kind of professional endorses the supplements, vitamins, etc. that you consider taking? Feel free to post any other thoughts related to this topic. Responses may be only one paragraph, but no more than two.

After posting your response, read your peers’ thoughts and reply to at least one classmate.

Be sure to review requirements for discussion board posts from the syllabus. Don’t forget to review the rubric prior to writing your post.