Nursing NUR 435 Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Ethics

In this article review, you will explore ethical issues and discuss their implications.

Step 1 Read the article, Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader Download Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader by Cole Edmonson.

Step 2 Based on the article, answer the following questions:

  • What are the sources of ethical dilemmas for nurse leaders?
  • How should nurse leaders handle those issues?
  • Explain the 4As Framework recommended by the Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN).
  • What are the recommendations that can increase moral courage in nurse leaders?

Step 3 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.

Cite all sources in APA format.

frados: module 1 discussion

Chapter 3 has a description of various leadership types. Below are the leadership types:

· Agile Leadership Theory

· Authentic Leadership Theory

· Emotional Quotient Leadership Theory

· Human Capital Leadership Theory

· Principal Agent Leadership Theory

· Quantum Leadership Theory

· Rebel Leadership Theory

· Servant Leadership Theory

· Social Capital Leadership Theory

· Thought Leadership Theory


1. Pick one (1) leadership type that you favor and explain the following:

a. Why does that type of leadership seems attractive to you?

b. Can you use that type of leadership in a real situation that you have encountered?

· Describe the situation.

c. Why the type you chose works well in that situation, and, finally

d. Does the type of leadership fits with one trait that you possess?

2. Your post should:

. Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.

. Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions

2. Be sure that references are in 
APALinks to an external site. format.

Power Point

Please provide a speak over PowerPoint presentation on the utilization of one of the following nonpharmacological psychotherapy approach for the diagnosis and treatment of a behavioral disorder of your choice based on the reading of the course material. 

Nonpharmacological Psychotherapy Options

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy 
  • Dialectic Behavioral Therapy & Complex Trauma

Please include the following slides in your presentation (you can use the sample provided)

  • Title slide
  • Intro slide 
  • Case scenario summary slide (patient name, diagnosis, background)
  • Mental status assessment slide (perception, thought process, content of thought, judgment, insight, cognition)
  • Selected therapy slide (Please include a description and the goals of the therapy of your choice) 
  • Selected therapy slide (Why did you select this therapy for your specific case study? )
  • Expected outcomes (Include the outcomes that you expect your patient to accomplish)
  • Conclusion slide
  • Reference slide

**Please upload your presentation in the Microsoft Office One Drive and share the link in Moodle. (See Moodle link sharing document).

*** You can use any tool to record your voice over the Powerpoint. In case you need you can see the tutorial provided for speak over presentation in Moodle with Screenpal (free tool) (

by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Include three scholarly sources references.

Course Outcomes Relates to the Assignment

  1. Translate major theories from nursing and other disciplines to psychiatric practice.
  2. Integrate foundational and advanced specialty knowledge into clinical reasoning.
  3. Recognized the dynamic nature of advanced practice psychiatry nursing.
  4. Identify the tenets, benefits, and phases of group therapy.
  5. Understand the evolution and the assumption of family therapy.
  6. Understand the role of the psychiatric mental health advanced nurse practitioner as it relates with the scope of psychopathology.
  7. Defining the semiology, diagnostic, and treatment of behavioral and mental disorders.
  8. Understand, comparing various personality disorders, chronic and acute psychiatric decompensation presentations.  
  9. Use of nonpharmacological interventions in the process of differential diagnosis and disease management. 

BHA415 Module 2 Case Module 2 SLP

10/20/23, 6:24 PM SLP – BHA415 Topics in Health Care Policy (2023OCT09FT-1) 1/1

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Module 2 – SLP


Uncompensated care continues to be a burden on safety-net hospitals in the United
States. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had some impact on this burden. After
reviewing the background materials and doing additional research, answer the
following in a 2-page paper:

What is uncompensated care?

What are safety-net hospitals and how have they been impacted by
uncompensated care?

Describe the impact that the ACA has had on uncompensated care.

Make policy recommendations to further address the issue of uncompensated

SLP Assignment Expectations

1. Your paper should be two pages.

2. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your

3. Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources. The course textbook
counts as one, and at least one of the others should be a peer-reviewed article.
Use How to Recognize Peer-Reviewed (Refereed)
Journals –

4. Please use Evaluating Internet Resources for evaluating information found on the
internet to ensure that you are using reliable sources:

5. You may use Purdue OWL to assist in formatting your assignment:


communication project 2

You will interview at least two people who belong to cultural
groups other than your own and who themselves are from
different cultures so that you may reflect on and analyze your
intercultural communication competence as well as the
importance of cultural diversity awareness. As part of your
analysis, you should apply concepts from your studies.
Specifically, you should draw on your knowledge of the Five
Dimensions of Culture, as presented by Communication in the
Real World (2016), and how they affect intercultural
communication, as presented in the Communication and Diversity

As part of your analysis, be sure to include at least three different
perspectives when analyzing the Five Dimensions of Culture.
These perspectives should include those from each of your
interviewees as well as your own, to allow for the analysis of at
least three different cultures.

You will present the results of this interview and your
communication reflection/analysis in a 4-6-page essay, following
APA documentation for any source material used as part of your
analysis, in addition to the text. Properly cite and source all



Nurses are well positioned for reforming health care in ways that promote a healthier public and reduce healthcare cost. Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system.

The discussion must address the topic.

Rationale must be provided

May use examples from your nursing practice

150 words minimum (excluding the reference)

Minimum of two references in APA format within the last five years published

The student should respond to two other classmates, at least 1 reference each reply.



Please write in your own words the meaning of the below related neurological terminology.









reply classmate system healthcare

Collapse Subdiscussion

Lauren Hahn

Lauren Hahn

Yesterday Sep 4 at 1:08pm

Technology is an ever-changing and advancing phenomenon that can be tricky to navigate. “Society has moved from a world dominated by paper and face-to-face interactions, to an online presence and way of communicating that is in a constant state of evolution” (Knox, 2019, p. 1). Whether the nurse be young or older, I believe that navigating technology can come with growing pains for everyone. Technology is constantly updating and progressing into programs that aid in essential parts of nursing informatics. “Informatics knowledge and skills provide the tools to understand and use technology to work more efficiently and effectively, and to work smarter, not harder” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). The nurse must be able to use technology effectively in order to provide safe and efficient patient care. Clicking around the EHR can be overwhelming to some, as there are a lot of different ends and outs of different health care programs. It is essential for the nurse to not only be able to chart on their patient, but to be able to obtain proper data and information on their patients in order to perform interventions appropriately. Nursing informatics involves the DIKW theory– which is collecting and applying data, information, knowledge, and wisdom through technology. Through nursing informatics, I believe I am going to be learning a lot about how to connect the dots through patient care in a way that benefits communication in nursing and patient safety using technology. For seasoned nurses this may be less intimidating, but I feel that there is always going to be room to grow and learn when it comes to informatics no matter the skill set. Although I feel confident in using technology I scored myself a 32 overall. I believe that I could use further education on a few categories as I scored myself “good”, but was reassured to see myself as “very good” in others. I am excited to be improving on things like recognizing the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safe care environment throughout this course. I don't believe that I have any additional questions at this time as I feel that the lessons and readings have provided me with great context of what this course has to offer so far. I will utilize my teacher, and the Q&A forum if I do end up having any questions. 



Chamberlain College of Nursing (2020).
NR361 Information Systems in Healthcare: Week 1 Lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication. 

Knox, A. (2019). Informatics in Nursing Education: What Do We Do Next?
 Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 14(4).


 Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories. I need 1 citation and 2 references



Respond using APA, at least 2 scholarly references

Leadership and a Healthy Work Environment

    Leadership involves the relationship between a leader and followers with the behaviors or attributes of the leader influencing whether employees consider a work environment to be healthy. Various theories exist about the way leaders and followers construct a social order in organizations leading to a healthy work environment (Vidman & Stromberg, 2020). My perception of a healthy work environment is one in which employees are satisfied with their work, work towards a common goal, and there is no conflict with managers or other employees. Leadership is the single most important factor influencing the employee’s work environment in an organization.

    One insight from the literature about leadership is that managers who inspire workers to do their best contribute to a healthy work environment. Transformational leadership theory proposes that the way leaders use a positive relationship with followers can inspire others to adopt a common goal and voluntarily work towards achieving the goal (Pourbarkhordari et al., 2016). An element of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation by the leader that involves encouraging and motivating employees. The concept of transformational literature gave me insight into the way a manager at a part time job where I worked was able to motivate employees. The manager was always optimistic about the future even when the job we were assigned seemed impossible to do in the time allowed. The manager helped us understand that if the staff worked together as an efficient team, we could meet the deadline even though it seemed difficult. The manager also showed us how to perform tasks more rapidly. Because of these behaviors, we felt like a team and were always focused on helping each other. Even though the work was difficult, the work environment seemed positive and friendly.

    I gained another insight about leadership from literature focusing on authentic leadership theory. The theory defines authentic leadership as altruistic and transparent behaviors, which also has an association with a healthy work environment (Giordano-Mulligan & Eckhardt, 2019). Authentic leaders consistently act on their values and beliefs and demonstrate integrity. The leadership approach also involves followers in decision-making about the best approach to perform tasks. On another part-time job that I once had, the manager was responsible for a group of employees that work her floor. A rule set by the manager was that all employees should be on time for work to avoid unfairly burdening the other employees. One of the employees, however, was always late. The manager terminated the employee and took the employees place until a replacement could be hired. The manager created a healthy work environment by fairly addressing a personnel problem consistent with stated values and beliefs while minimizing the burden of the decision on other employees.   


Giordano-Mulligan, M., & Eckhardt, S. (2019). Authentic nurse leadership conceptual framework. Nurse Administration, 43(2), 164-174.    

Pourbarkhordari, A., Zhou, E., & Poukarimi, J. (2016). Role of transformational leadership in creating a healthy work environment in business setting. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(3), 57-70. 

Vidman, A., & Stromberg, A. (2020).  Leadership for a healthy work environment- a question of who, what, and how. Leadership in health Services, 34(1), 1-15.