/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskWeek 2 Methodology
· Points 75
This week, you will submit the methodology portion of your project. In this section, you will explain your proposed research design and the foundation for your data collection. While you will not collect data for your study, you will be expected to explain how you would implement your study.
In your methodology section, include the following:
Statement of purpose
· What was studied and why?
· The population studies (if appropriate) and how they will be selected for the study
Description of the methodology
· Is your study qualitative or quantitative and why did you choose this method?
· If you chose quantitative, is your study:
· Descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental or experimental and why?
· If you chose qualitative, is your study:
· A case study, grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography, or historical study and why?
· What other methods were considered but discarded?
Data collection
· How will you collect the data that correlates to your research method?
· What are the factors that influence this data collection choice?
· Identify and explain the data collection instrument and if they are published instruments or created by the researcher.
· Where will the data be collected and who will collect it? How will it be recorded?
· How is the data collection connected to the research questions?
· What is the plan for data analysis?
Describe how you will ensure your study is trustworthy:
· Qualitative: Explain strategies for credibility, dependability confirmability, and transferability.
· Quantitative: Explain strategies for internal and external validity, reliability, and objectivity
Your methodology section should be 8–10 pages with cited references and support from your research.
Review the rubric for grading criteria.
Points Possible: 75
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/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskDue 09/13/23 1900 EST
Respond to this DB using APA and include at least 2 scholarly references
Competing Needs in Healthcare Policy Development: National Healthcare Issue of Healthcare Workers Shortage
Different needs can have a big effect on how policies are made to deal with the shortage of health care workers. As a graduate student in nursing who also works in a psychiatric hospital, I know how difficult things can get.
Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., and Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020) say that nurses are an important part of health care and make up the most important part of the health field. The World Health Statistics Report says that there are about 29 million nurses and midwives in the world, with 3.9 million of them working in the United States.
From an academic and evidence-based point of view, competing needs include restricted budgets, different goals among stakeholders, different places where people can get health care depending on where they live, and changing patient demographics. These things can cause tension and problems when making laws.
There aren’t enough nurses for a few main reasons: bad planning and allocation of the workforce; lack of new staff due to lack of resources; bad recruitment, retention, and “return” policies; inefficient use of nursing resources due to the wrong mix and use of skills; bad incentive structures; and lack of career support.
Effects of Competing Needs on Healthcare Workers Shortage
For instance, if you know a lot about psychology, you could show how important it is to have mental health experts. But because of shortages, other parts of health care may also need help. To find a balance and meet these needs, workforce estimates must be based on facts and take into account how many people are retiring and how many people are being born.
Getting to population health, universal health coverage (UHC), and fair access to health care depends on having a health staff with enough capacity, capability, and quality to meet epidemiological challenges and changing needs. WHO says that by 2030, there will be 40 million more jobs in health and social care because more people will need them around the world. In most countries, nurses are the most highly skilled workers, and they make up about half of the world’s health care workers.
Solving The Issue Of Competing Needs through Policy
In this situation, it would be important for healthcare managers, policymakers, educators, and professionals from other areas to work together to make policy. Research that shows what works can help businesses decide how to hire, train, and keep workers. By recognizing and addressing these different needs, plans can be made to deal with the lack of healthcare workers and take psychiatric nursing experience into account.
When it comes to psychology, having different needs can have a big impact on how healthcare decisions are made. As a psychiatry nurse practitioner, for example, you might run into situations where the patient’s need for freedom conflicts with the need to give the right care and make sure the patient is safe. Finding a balance between individual rights and the bigger goals of treatment success and patient well-being requires healthcare professionals, policymakers, and patients to make decisions based on evidence and work together. When making plans to deal with these hard problems, it is important to think about study, clinical standards, and ethical principles.
Most people who talk about nurse shortages say that lawmakers should pay attention to all parts (called “policy bundles”) and not make policies based on simple, linear thinking. There is proof of this in both high- and low-income countries, where programs that only focus on growing nurse training have not increased the number of nurses entering the workforce or filled gaps in priority areas where there have been shortages in the past.
To deal with the lack of health care workers, we need a plan with many parts, including laws that help hire, keep, and train people. Some ways to improve access to healthcare are to pay healthcare workers more money, expand training programs, improve working conditions, and use telemedicine. Evidence-based policies can be made by looking at trends in the workforce, figuring out how different actions affect the situation, and involving stakeholders to make sure the policies are well applied.
V.M. Drennan and Fiona Ross What’s going on, what it means, and what can be done to fix the problem The British Medical Bulletin, 130(1), pages 25–37
Organization for World Health. Workforce 2030 is a global plan for using people to improve health. Retrieved September 11, 2023, from to an external site..
Shortage of Nurses | StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf | NCBI Visit for more information.
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskAnswer these 2 questions.
1. What other therapy approaches can be easily applied to this patient? (different therapy than the one she developed here)
2. How can we help the patient stick to the treatment plan?( based on what it says here, how I can help the patient.)
At least 2 references
Complex Case Study Presentation
CC (chief complaint): “I need medication. I don't feel good.”
HPI: C is a 15-year-old African American female who came for a psychiatric evaluation with her case manager. She states, ” I need medication. I don't feel good.” The client noted that the other day, she had a breakdown where she was crying and laughing. Also, she mentioned that she started thinking about bad things. Most of the time she feels sad, that is why she feels “better when I’m with my friends.” She also noted that she can be agitated very easily. Her concentration is poor, and she said “everything” stresses her out. The client denies any symptoms of suicidal ideations, but she said, “I don't want to kill anybody, but when I'm upset, I make threats to kill people.” She said she suddenly has difficulty meeting new people, has problems with crowds in the grocery store or big box stores, and feels judged when out in person. The client reports verbal, physical, and sexual abuse that started in childhood. She experiences painful flashbacks and nightmares in the past. She reports abuse and misuse of ADHD medications and no complaints with medications. Also, she mentioned to be on probation, and she would like to be out of prison.
Diagnostic Impression:
Major depressive disorder
Approximately 12.8% of people between 12-17 years have been diagnosed with Major depression in the United States. (Mullen, 2018) The client presents most of the diagnosis criteria for this disease. She is showing a depressed mood irritation that is typical for adolescents. She has a poor interest in activities, low energy, and poor appetite. Also, she mentioned that she has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. These symptoms caused social impairment, evidenced by the frequent fights. It is essential to mention that her family is dysfunctional, and her mom and brother are diagnosed with major depression.
Generalized anxiety disorder F41.1
Generalized anxiety disorder is a common mental health disorder affecting more females. Anxiety leads to restlessness, feeling keyed up or on edge, fear, and difficulty concentrating. (APA,2022 ) The client presents excessive anxiety and difficulty controlling worry and concern that something will happen. She has problems being around crowds, feels anxious, and feels judged. Also, she is always irritable, losing her temper, involving her in multiple fights. This client's diagnosis criteria are restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, sleep disturbance, and muscle tension.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder F43.10
This disorder results from exposure to one or more traumatic events. Usually, the symptoms start showing up within three months of the traumatic events. The symptoms interfere with the daily tasks. The client reports verbal, physical, and sexual abuse that started in childhood, and she experiences painful flashbacks and nightmares from the event. This situation met the first criterion for this diagnosis because she was exposed to a traumatic event. Also, she mentioned recurrent and intrusive thoughts about something terrible that would happen. She avoids speaking about the incident and has persistent negative feelings. The client said to be hypervigilance.
The client comes for the first-time evaluation, saying she needs medications because she doesn't feel good. This client is presenting almost all the symptoms of major depression. She lacks energy, and most of the time, she is irritated, evidenced by getting involved in many fights. Also, she stated being sad almost every day and having breakdowns. She was sexually, mentally, and physically abused, which is most likely why she presents all those symptoms. Women victims of child sexual assault are twice as likely to have more depression and anxiety than no female victims. Also, major depressive episodes among those with PTSD have a higher risk of suicide than those with PTSD. (Alix,2020) She mentioned the sexual abuse and said that she was thinking about crazy stuff. We suspect she was thinking about suicide, which is why the primary diagnosis is Major depression. Alix (2020) states that self-blame is an internal attribution, a cognitive process by which some individuals with traumas can attribute the event of an unfavorable event to themselves. She also said that she feels guilty about what happened to her.
The second diagnosis is Generalized anxiety disorder because the client finds it difficult to control her concern about something wrong will happen. She stated feeling restless, having problems concentrating, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance. Also, she is presenting poor concentration. This affects her daily tasks even though she mentioned that she couldn't be around people anymore. De Beru (2020) states that the only two disorders significantly associated with suicide ideation were MDD and GAD. For this reason, this will be my secondary diagnosis and the one I will pay more attention to.
The third differential diagnosis will be post-traumatic stress disorder. As mentioned above, this client came from a household where she suffered a lot of violence, including physical, sexual, and emotional damage. She has problems falling asleep due to the trauma and avoided discussing the incident by changing the topic. The US Department of Veteran Affairs (2018) states that survivors of child sexual abuse show symptoms of PTSD that include agitated behavior, and they may exhibit anxiety. Also, another behavior that they may exhibit is inappropriate sexual behavior or seductiveness. The school sent her to a psychiatry evaluation in the 6th grade because of her aggressiveness and promiscuity. That was one of the indicators that she was suffering from sexual abuse. Also, she mentioned recurrent and intrusive thoughts about something terrible that would happen.
I agree with the PMHNP treatment plan, where she will start working with the depression symptoms. Since the client reports feeling sad, having low energy, and thinking about “crazy stuff,” we will prioritize those symptoms and treat them to avoid future serious problems like Suicide Ideations.
Case Formulation and Treatment Plan
C is a 15-year-old African American female client being seen for a first-time psychiatric evaluation. She is alert and oriented in person, place, time, and situation. She is restless, acting out, and looks irritable but cooperative. She mentioned being referred to a psychiatry evaluation in 6th grade, and since then, she has been in and out of treatment. The client presents depression symptoms like sadness, low energy, decreased activities that cause joy, irritability, poor concentration, and sleep disturbance. Also, she mentioned the difficulty in controlling her concern about something terrible will happen. She verbalizes a history of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. The client avoids talking about the abuse. However, she will follow recommendations and continue with a treatment plan.
Most adolescents with major depression symptoms reported severe impairment in home life, school/work, family relationships, and social life. Studies have revealed that neurologic changes happen in the brain structure of those who have suffered sexual abuse during their childhood, and, therefore, they become more predisposed to suffer depression, anxiety, substance use, and other mental and behavioral problems. (Gokten, 2021) It is essential to start working with the adolescent since symptoms are notable, like in this client's case. The PMHNP chose Lexapro 5 mg PO daily; this medication is one of the two approved by the FDA. Lexapro has been approved for use in adolescents aged 12 years and older. (FDA, Nd) Jiang (2017) mentioned in his research that Lexapro helps to decrease depression and anxiety levels and significantly improve the quality of life, helping with the enjoyment and satisfaction of patients taking this medication. Besides the depression, she suffers from anxiety, which is why this medication is the first line of treatment since it helps to improve the two primary diagnoses for her. Anvari (2020) also recommends using Lexapro as a first-line antidepressant treatment for children and adolescents, optimally in conjunction with cognitive behavior therapy. He stated the conjunction of this therapy should optimize school, peer, and family communication, given a patient's sense of connectedness.
The second medication that the PMHNP prescribed is Lamotrigine 25 mg PO daily. Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant medication that can be used as adjunctive treatment as a mood stabilizer. Prabhavalkar (2015) found Lamotrigine to be outstandingly effective in preventing bipolar depression in patients experiencing episodes of major depression. Lamotrigine can be a mood stabilizer that calms mood swings by lifting the depression symptoms. Also, he found that in 64.5% of the adjunctive treatment using lamotrigine, the symptoms of depression improved during the initial treatment and maintained for about one year.
Psychotherapy will be crucial to the treatment plan; changing the behavior and developing coping skills can benefit her treatment goal. Cognitive behavioral therapy is showing efficacy in GAD and MDD symptom reduction. In his research, Oud (2019) found that 63% of the child/adolescent has less risk of having a depressive disorder at follow-up and a 36% more chance of recovery. Also, CBT can be used to treat clients with PTSD. For that reason, this will be the therapy of choice.
Also, as part of the plan, the PMHNP ordered blood work CBC, BMP, Vit D, lipid panel, and thyroid function test. EKG will be ordered as well.
The risks, benefits, side effects, and dosage schedules of medication were explained to the client. Otherwise, the benefits of continuing psychotherapy were explained for managing and controlling her emotions. We will recommend daily exercise, good hygiene, and a balanced diet. She was educated and encouraged about abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The potential risks, long-term consequences of Tardive Dyskinesia, and treatment alternatives were discussed with and understood by the client. The client has emergency numbers: Emergency Services 911, Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988, and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1800-273-8255
Affordable Care Act
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskDiscuss the components of the Affordable Care Act that you think will have a positive effect on improving health care outcomes and decreasing costs.
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework Desk
You have learned a lot during your training to become a Registered Nurse. At this point in your education, where do you see yourself as a nurse? What unit would you like to work in and why?
To be able to care for patients, you must be able to care for yourself. What are some practices you plan to implement to help you care for yourself and why?
Career Informative Speech — Geriatric Nursing
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskPlease help me write this speech! I will add personal details to it later. Here is the relevant info, as well as the completed outline attached.
The purpose of the speech is to inform on a specific career related to the Academic Degree you are pursuing. The speech is not specifically about you. Instead, it is about the career itself.
How To Get Started:
Imagine you are delivering a speech during Career Day at a school. Describe to your audience the nature of this profession such as specific daily job duties, working environment, educational requirements, job prospects, advancement prospects, salaries, etc.
Required Speech Details
- Educational and Training requirements
- Job prospects
- Type of physical location job occurs in such as office buildings, hospitals, outdoors, travel, etc.
- Type of social environment such as group settings, partners, solo work, etc.
- Day to day duties
- Salaries
- Continuing education and training required
- An interesting fact or anecdote about profession
- Formally cite three source citations in your speech. Sources can come from any verifiable publications: books, websites, journals, etc. Only one citation from each “type” of source is allowed. For example, one website, one magazine, one book, etc.
PICO Discussion
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework DeskPlease see the attachment. Answer using PICO format.
week 5
/in Uncategorized /by Nursing Homework Desk
Cassandra Birth
Yesterday Oct 2 at 11:04am
Bar code medication administration (BCMA)
Bar code medication administration (BCMA) is when the patient’s armband is scanned along with the medication, if they match, the medication may be administered (Hebda et al., 2019). This is new technology that helps prevent medication errors. BCMA and e-MAR ensures that the right patient receives the correct medication, this adheres to the 5 patient rights for medication administration (Naidu & Alicia, 2019, p. 511). The 5 patient rights for medication administration are right patient, right medication, right time, right dosage, and right route. While scanning the patient and each medication, if the e-MAR doesn’t recognize the medication for the patient, it won’t allow for the nurse to document that it was given. However, nurses still need to be aware of these pop-ups and place the medication aside because that medication isn’t supposed to go to that patient at that specific time and they need to figure out why. BCMA doesn’t completely prevent medication errors. Nurses still need to focus on the medications they are giving to their patients. Getting distracted by patients and their families can cause the nurse to misplace a medication when scanning them. Ensuring that all the scanned medications are the ones actually given to the patient is critical. Nurses still need to be aware that some medications may be the wrong dosage and may need to be split. They also need to be aware of vital signs and if the medication is still appropriate for the patient to take. Ethically this can be taking away some of the nurse’s autonomy of checking the medication name, dosage, and expiration date on the medication label. BCMA is supposed to reduce medication error, but nurses still need to be focused when administering medications. They need to ensure the patient is in the right condition to be taking specific medications. BCMA doesn’t take into consideration patients vital signs and stability to take a medication, so the nurse will have to still document “not given” in these scenarios. Patient armbands could also be ripped, or wet and unreadable to the scanner. Ensuring that the scanner is working properly and if something is wrong to fully check that it is the correct patient before administering the medications.
Naidu, M., & Alicia, Y. L. (2019). Impact of bar-code medication administration and electronic medication administration record system in clinical practice for an effective medication administration process.
11(05), 511-526.
Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2019).
Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.). Pearson.
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