Module 03 Written Assignment – Health History

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Module 03 Content


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This assignment is due no later than Sunday October 22nd at 11:59pm

Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. 
You can use the form located in your Health Assessment lab manual book or from Week Two classroom assignment. 

You do not need to submit the health history form with your paper.
 Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, 
gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide.

· Present Health

· Past Medical Health

· Family History

· Review of Systems


While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered.

Include your answers to the following questions in the summary:

a. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?

b. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?

c. How comfortable were you taking a health history?

d. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?

e. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

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Connecting the social determinant of health to health outcome

what is a good example of connecting health outcome to social determinant?

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Needing assistance with this assignment 


Health Disparities Assignment.html


Health Disparities Assignment

Population health is shaped by the social and economic conditions in which we are born, live, and work. Statistics indicate that many of us are one paycheck away from a financial crisis, especially since past recessions and the current state of inflation. In this module, you will explore the impact of poverty on health. In your professional roles and perhaps your own personal lives, you have all been exposed to the issues to some extent. The intent of this module will be to explore in more detail the prevalence of poverty, its impact on health, and barriers to attaining healthy outcomes. 


Use the following resources to complete this assignment:

  • Read Nies & McEwen (2019) Chapters 21-23; 25; 28
  • Format your paper using 7th ed. APA formatting (i.e., Title page, headings, Reference page, etc.)


  1. Students will submit answers to the following questions using 3 headings, General Poverty, Food Security, and Homelessness into the appropriate NURS 410 assignment dropbox, using 7th ed. APA formatting.


    1. General Poverty (4 points)  

    1. Play Spent Activity:  

    The Urban Ministries of Durham have a great online poverty simulation that goes through a month in the life of a person living in poverty. To access the simulation, go to this website:  Summarize your experience with this simulation activity  

    • Did you have money left over?  

    • What difficult decisions did you need to make?  

    • What was your overall feeling when the month was over?  

    • Have you experienced similar financial challenges in your life?  

    • What safety nets were there to support you during this time?  


    1. Go to Poverty USA website at   

    Poverty Tour USA –Read the various information sections – What surprises you?  

    1. Interactive Poverty Map   

    1. Compare the state you live in with at least one other state.  

    1. Poverty Facts   

    1.  What is the definition of poverty and who lives in poverty?  

    1. Snapshots of Poverty   

    1.  Review at least one of the “Stories of Hope”– What are possible health implications?  


    1. Food Security (3 points)  

    Click on
    United States Food Drug Administration– Household Food Security  

    • USDA  

    • How is food insecurity defined?  

    • Which populations are most at risk for food insecurity?   

    • What programs are available to improve food access? Consider Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  


    1. Homelessness (3 points)  

    1. Who are the Homeless and why are they homeless?   

    Go to the website of the National Coalition for the Homeless.  

    • Click on Issues – Read about 2 topics that interest you.  

    • Click on Populations – read about one population.  

    • Click on Public Policy Recommendation – read about one policy recommendation  


    1. Describe the face of “homeless”  

    1. What are the numbers?  

    1. Who is homeless?  

    1. Why are they homeless?  

    1. How are health and homelessness related?  

    1. Identify and describe one policy project to reduce/end homelessness.  


    1. Go to Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness:   

    1. What is purpose of this organization?  





See attachment for instructions 

Cardiovascular Table

A picture containing text  Description automatically generated

Comparison of Cardiovascular Exemplars


Acute Myocardial Infarction



Assessment Findings (including Diagnostics)

Nursing Diagnosis

Interventions (including meds and Surgical interventions)




The Organization name is :  (United Healthcare)- this is an Health insurance company 

  1. Consumer
  2. Context 

Case study

Neurologic Function Case Study 

Pain and Neurologic Syndromes



For this case study, you will create a case related to the Neurological Functions.


Download this document, type your answers, and include references (including in-text citations per item). Then, upload it to this assignment page.  


Neurological Function 


Part 1:

Compare and contrast the 3 conditions in

of the charts below: 



Migraine Headaches 

Tension Headaches 


Risk Factors 








Clinical Manifestations 











Risk Factors 








Clinical Manifestations 




Part 2:

Choose a
pain or
neurologic syndrome to explore. You can also choose a diagnosis not listed (that coincides with your advanced practice specialty) as long as it relates to the neurological function.

Present a hypothetical case that includes the following:

1. Vital information about a person who might be predisposed to this condition (I.e., a person who may have risk factors for this condition). 

2. The pathophysiology of the disease, including clinical manifestations.

3. Which diagnostic tests you’d recommend and a rationale for the one(s) you choose.

4. How this condition compares to other differentials.

5. The evidence-based recommendations from the

AHRQ Guidelines
or guidelines recommended from a professional organization. Based on these recommendations, discuss how  to manage the condition best.

6. A patient safety issue that could be associated with the condition presented in this case.

These charts may help in organizing information to answer the narrative questions: 

Name of Condition: 

Risk factors 




Clinical manifestations 


Additional details (optional): 


Differential Diagnoses (See chart below) 


What makes this diagnosis unique from other differentials? 


Guidelines and recommendations for condition management

Potential related safety issues





Differential 1

Differential 2

Differential 3

Risk factors 










Clinical manifestations 





Additional details (optional): 





Unique characteristics 







The Case:

2nd Response to disc 7



Nurses play an important role in transforming health care; therefore, effective nurse leadership is required. Rising medical costs, increased competition among medical institutions and high demand for quality medical services are particularly calling for the efficient management of medical institutions, subsequently increasing the demand for nurses with management and leadership skills. Within nursing contexts, leadership creates an environment that both influences nurses to improve the quality of nursing care and motivates and empowers them through a clear vision. Effective leadership from management inspires positive behaviors in staff, such as organizational citizenship behaviors, further job satisfaction and organizational commitment. So, education is necessary to continuously improve nursing leadership abilities. Moreover, nurses can effectively incorporate their leadership education into their nursing practices and enhance nursing organizations’ performance, while advancing the profession by providing leadership opportunities. The role of the nurse is changing with the transformation of healthcare, but unfortunately, the level of education typically remains the same, as evidenced by the small percentage of nurses who pursue higher levels of education. Baccalaureate education with its broader, more scientific base provides the sound foundation for the variety of nursing positions and for entry to advanced nursing education and practice. The barriers include a lack of specific education that is focused on clinical leadership and health team management, feeling devalued by the system, and a lack of a structural pathway of learning and development for the registered nurses. Although, all nurses cannot financially support themselves to achieve baccalaureate education requirements.

Nursing leaders’ perception of nursing leadership was extended to nurses, organizations and nursing professions. Competency, capability, innate personality and traits are required nursing abilities that are acquired through education. Nursing leaders view nursing leadership as a broad, multidimensional concept and are keenly aware of the importance of education in its improvement over the long term. 


Kim, H. O., Lee, I., & Lee, B. S. (2022). Nursing leaders’ perceptions of the state of nursing leadership and the need for nursing leadership education reform: A qualitative content analysis from South Korea. Journal of nursing management30(7), 2216–2226.