
In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question.

Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. It is suggested that an Intervention-type PICOT question be developed as these seem to work best for this course. 

Post a brief description of your clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question. Describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples.



Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.


· Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). 
Health policy and politics: A nurse's guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

· Chapter 4, “Government Response: Regulation” (pp. 57–84)

· American Nurses Association. (n.d.). 

ANA enterprise

Links to an external site.
. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from http://www.nursingworld.org

· Bosse, J., Simmonds, K., Hanson, C., Pulcini, J., Dunphy, L., Vanhook, P., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). 

Position statement: Full practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses is necessary to transform primary careLinks to an external site.

Nursing Outlook, 65(6), 761–765.

· Halm, M. A. (2018). 

Evaluating the impact of EBP education: Development of a modified Fresno test for acute care nursing

 Download Evaluating the impact of EBP education: Development of a modified Fresno test for acute care nursing

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(4), 272–280. doi:10.1111/wvn.12291


National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)Links to an external site.
. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.ncsbn.org/index.htm

· Neff, D. F., Yoon, S. H., Steiner, R. L., Bumbach, M. D., Everhart, D., & Harman J. S. (2018). 

The impact of nurse practitioner regulations on population access to careLinks to an external site.

Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 379–385.

· Peterson, C., Adams, S. A., & DeMuro, P. R. (2015). 

mHealth: Don’t forget all the stakeholders in the business caseLinks to an external site.

Medicine 2.0, 4(2), e4.

To Prepare:

· Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.

· Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

· Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.

· Describe the board for your specific region/area.

· Who is on the board?

· How does one become a member of the board?

· Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.

· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

· If a patient is from another culture, how would this regulation impact the nurse's care/education?

· Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

· Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.  

· Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)

Submit your Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation.

Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease

 Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions.  Please provide evidence-based rationales for your answers.  APA, 7th ed. must be followed.  

See Below


Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

Discussion post ( question to answer)

Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice( PHMNP) area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.

Nursing I have an assignment thats due now, but if someone can have it done by 3AM, or 5AM, I would really appreciate it ! I thought I would have time to get to it,

Assignment that is medical related, or nursing. Have to do a SOAP note, so you would have to know what a SOAP note is in regards to the medical field and there are questions you have to answer about CPT codes, billing codes for patient visits, Dx. codes, etc. But Ican add the diagosis codes.

Thanks Julie 

postpartum Depression

Each student will individually write a paper over a relevant maternal-infant nursing topic that is addressed by a Healthy People 2030 objective. Healthy People 2030 objectives are available at 

 .The concept chosen must be appropriate and relevant to maternal-infant nursing. The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:  to thoroughly research a topic of interest relating to maternal-infant nursing; to synthesize the information found; and to then draw inferences about the concept. 

This paper is expected to be short, succinct, focused, and developed on the chosen topic. The student can adequately address the criteria in 
3-5 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. All papers must be typed and in APA 7 format.  I encourage you to meet with Megan Hasler, the School of Nursing's librarian if needed for APA guidance or search questions, etc. 

Students are strongly encouraged to send papers to the Writing Center prior to submission.
  References must include a minimum of three (3) journal articles, and you may also include an appropriate medical/nursing dictionary or encyclopedia, the course textbook, the state department of health website for vital statistics, the CDC, etc. See evaluation criteria below for specific guidelines, and PDF attachment for a template.  
Due by Sunday, November 5, at 23:59pm. In the box below you will find examples of topics that have an associated Healthy People 2030 objective. Topic must be approved.


Maternal-Infant Concept Paper Evaluation Rubric



Topic is defined adequately


How is evidence-based practice being utilized regarding the topic chosen?


How does this relate to nursing practice? What are some nursing considerations?


Choose and identify one Healthy People 2030 objective related to your chosen topic and research how your state/region/county/city compares to the goal.


What effect does this topic have on the client?  What cultural barriers may exist to complicate care? Other cultural considerations?


APA Style/Format correct (references, citations, title page, etc.)


Grammar (spelling, punctuation) and Content (clear, appropriate word usage, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc.)




improved team communications

improved team communications, patient and family centered care, and disparities and inequities in care, into your practice

Assigment .Apa seven . All instructions attached.

rt 2 Writing Assignment Week 7

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Health Promotion Proposal, Part 2 Content


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Health Promotion Proposal, Part 2

This is a continuation of the health promotion program proposal, part one, which you submitted previously. 

Please approach this assignment as an opportunity to integrate instructor feedback from part I and expand on ideas adhering to the components of the MAP-IT strategy. Include necessary levels of detail you feel appropriate to assure stakeholder buy-in.



You have already completed the steps 1-4. 
Do not resubmit part 1. Make sure you revise this initial submission according to your instructor’s comments. 

To assist in maintaining harmony between Part I and 2 here you have a reminder of the previous paper outline:

· 1. Describe the health problem. Using data and statistics support your claim that the issue you selected is a problem. What specifically will you address in your proposed health promotion program? Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measurable. 

· 2. Describe the vulnerable population and setting. What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population? Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified. 

· 3. Provide a review of literature from scholarly journals of evidence-based interventions that address the problem. After completing a library search related to effective interventions for your chosen health promotion activity, you will write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found. You might consult research texts for information on how to write a review of the literature found in your search. 

· 4. Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework or conceptual model that would best serve as the framework guiding the proposal. Provide rationale for your selection which includes discussion of the concepts of the selected model 


For this assignment develop criteria 5-8 as detailed below: 

You will submit just this section 5-8 as essay. Please do not resubmit Part 1. 

Use a presentation page. Start the body of content with topic 5.

· 5. Propose a health promotion program using an evidence-based intervention found in your literature search to address the problem in the selected population/setting. Include a thorough discussion of the specifics of this intervention which include resources necessary, those involved, and feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role. 

· Be certain to include a timeline. (2 to 4 paragraphs- you may use bullets if appropriate). 

· 6. Thoroughly describe the intended outcomes. Describe the outcomes in detail concurrent with the SMART goal approach. 
The SMART goal statement should be no more than one sentence (1 paragraph). 

· 7. Provide a detailed plan for evaluation for each outcome. (1 paragraph). 

· 8. Thoroughly describe possible barriers/challenges to implementing the proposed project as well as strategies to address these barriers/challenges. (1 paragraph). 

· Finish the paper with a conclusion paragraph (1 paragraph) without typing the word “conclusion” before the paragraph. 

Paper Requirements 

Your assignment should be up to 3-5 pages (excluding title page and references). 

Remember, your Proposal must be a scholarly paper demonstrating graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge about health promotion. 

Finish the essay with a your reference page.

Please review the Grading Rubric for this Assignment.


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Please see the attachment for instructions


Please see the attachment for instructions