Replies 5400

replies for these works with 200 words each ones

1. Nurses play a pivotal role in reforming healthcare to promote public health and reduce costs. This is particularly evident in their involvement in COVID vaccination mandates, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing advocacy. Nurses have been at the forefront of COVID-19 vaccination efforts, advocating for widespread vaccination to curb the pandemic. They educate the public about vaccine safety and efficacy, address vaccine hesitancy, and administer vaccines. Nurses’ expertise in public health and patient education makes them influential advocates for vaccination mandates, promoting a healthier public. For instance, in my nursing practice, I have seen nurses conducting community outreach programs to ensure equitable access to vaccines. Nurses actively champion telemedicine as a means to improve healthcare access and reduce costs. They use telehealth platforms to provide remote care, monitor patients’ conditions, and educate them on self-management. Telemedicine not only enhances patient convenience but also decreases unnecessary emergency room visits, contributing to cost reduction. In my experience, I have witnessed nurses facilitating virtual visits for patients in rural areas, improving their access to healthcare services.  Nurses witness firsthand the impact of high prescription drug prices on patients’ health outcomes. They advocate for fair drug pricing policies that ensure affordable access to necessary medications. By engaging in initiatives like the Nurses Who Vaccinate campaign, nurses bring attention to the importance of reasonable drug pricing in promoting public health and reducing the financial burden on patients. Nurse have the clinical knowledge, patient trust, and advocacy skills necessary to drive healthcare reform. Their involvement in COVID vaccination mandates, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing advocacy aligns with their commitment to improving patient care, public health, and cost-effectiveness in the healthcare system.  

2. Nurses indeed hold a pivotal role in reforming healthcare, contributing to a healthier public and cost reduction. Firstly, in the context of COVID vaccination mandates, nurses play an essential role as advocates for public health. They educate individuals on the importance of vaccination, dispel myths and misinformation, and administer vaccines efficiently. Their presence in vaccination clinics fosters trust and encourages reluctant individuals to receive the vaccine. Furthermore, nurses can also assess and address vaccine-related adverse events, contributing to the safety and effectiveness of vaccination campaigns.

Secondly, in the realm of telemedicine, nurses are instrumental in ensuring its successful implementation. They can serve as telehealth coordinators, facilitating remote patient consultations and monitoring. This reduces the burden on healthcare facilities, enhances access to care in underserved areas, and can potentially lower healthcare costs by preventing hospital readmissions through continuous monitoring of chronic conditions.

Lastly, nurses are advocates for addressing exorbitant prescription drug pricing. They witness firsthand the financial hardships patients face due to high drug costs and can engage in initiatives to promote transparency, cost-effective alternatives, and policy changes to curb pharmaceutical price gouging.

In my own nursing practice, I’ve seen how nurses can be effective advocates in these areas, collaborating with healthcare teams and policymakers to drive positive change. Their expertise and patient-centered approach uniquely position them to champion healthcare reform initiatives that benefit the public while optimizing healthcare costs.


NR326 Mental Health Nursing

RUA: Scholarly Article Review Guidelines


The student will review, summarize, and critique a scholarly article related to a mental health topic.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

(CO 4) Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO 4)

(CO 5) Utilize available resources to meet self-identified goals for personal, professional, and educational development appropriate to the mental health setting. (PO 5)

(CO 7) Examine moral, ethical, legal, and professional standards and principles as a basis for clinical decision-making. (PO 6)

(CO 9) Utilize research findings as a basis for the development of a group leadership experience. (PO 8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

1) Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

a. Select a scholarly nursing or research article, published within the last five years, related to mental health nursing. The content of the article must relate to evidence-based practice.

· You may need to evaluate several articles to find one that is appropriate.

b. Ensure that no other member of your clinical group chooses the same article, then submit your choice for faculty approval.

c. The submitted assignment should be 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.

2) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric must match exactly).

a. Introduction (10 points/10%)

· Establishes purpose of the paper

· Captures attention of the reader

b. Article Summary (30 points/30%)

· Statistics to support significance of the topic to mental health care

· Key points of the article

· Key evidence presented

· Examples of how the evidence can be incorporated into your nursing practice

c. Article Critique (30 points/30%)

· Present strengths of the article

· Present weaknesses of the article

· Discuss if you would/would not recommend this article to a colleague

d. Conclusion (15 points/15%)

· Provides analysis or synthesis of information within the body of the text

· Supported by ides presented in the body of the paper

· Is clearly written

e. Article Selection and Approval (5 points/5%)

· Current (published in last 5 years)

· Relevant to mental health care

· Not used by another student within the clinical group

· Submitted and approved as directed by instructor

f. APA format and Writing Mechanics (10 points/10%)

NR326 Mental Health Nursing

RUA: Scholarly Article Review Guidelines

NR326 Mental Health Nursing

RUA: Scholarly Article Review Guidelines

NR326_RUA_Scholarly_Article_Review_V4b_FINAL_MAY21 2

· Correct use of standard English grammar and sentence structure

· No spelling or typographical errors

· Document includes title and reference pages

· Citations in the text and reference page

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the
APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of Performance

High Level of Performance

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Section not present in paper


(10 points/10%)

10 points

8 points

0 points

Required criteria

1. Establishes purpose of the paper

2. Captures attention of the reader

Includes 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Article Summary

(30 points/30%)

30 points

25 points

24 points

11 points

0 points

Required criteria

1. Statistics to support significance of the topic to mental health care

2. Key points of the article

3. Key evidence presented

4. Examples of how the evidence can be incorporated into your nursing practice

Includes 4 requirements for section.

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Article Critique

(30 points/30%)

30 points

25 points

11 points

0 points

Required criteria

1. Present strengths of the article

2. Present weaknesses of the article

3. Discuss if you would/would not recommend this article to a colleague

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.


(15 points/15%)

15 points

11 points

6 points

0 points

1. Provides analysis or synthesis of information within the body of the text

2. Supported by ides presented in the body of the paper

3. Is clearly written

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Article Selection and Approval

(5 points/5%)

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

1. Current (published in last 5 years)

2. Relevant to mental health care

Includes 4

Includes 3

Includes 2

Includes 1

No requirements for

NR326 Mental Health Nursing

RUA: Scholarly Article Review Guidelines

NR326_RUA_Scholarly_Article_Review_V4b_FINAL_MAY21 4

3. Not used by another student within the clinical group

4. Submitted and approved as directed by instructor

requirements for section.

requirements for section.

requirements for section.

requirement for section.

this section presented.

APA Format and Writing Mechanics

(10 points/10%)

10 points

8 points

7 points

4 points

0 points

1. Correct use of standard English grammar and sentence structure

2. No spelling or typographical errors

3. Document includes title and reference pages

4. Citations in the text and reference page

Includes 4 requirements for section.

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Total Points Possible = 100 points


Medication Errors

Your first course project assignment is a written proposal that describes an assessment of the needs of the client(s) and why you feel this project would be beneficial to improve health outcomes. Include the goal of the project, the target audience, and what you expect the response to b

Topic -Medication Errors

ASSIGNMENT: 1 page explaining and describing Medication Error/Missed Medication -Implications for patients and Nursees.

W3 Self assesment

please follow all directions


 Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. Contrast the levels of control applied to each. 

See Below


Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

Discussion post ( question to answer)

Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice( PHMNP) area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.

250 words. APA format

3 references

Two in text citation 

No plagiarism please. 

chpater 5 frados

CASE INTRODUCTION – Charlotte Greene, a registered nurse, is discharging a pediatric patient, Joey Slater, to home care under the supervision of his mother. The child returns to the hospital five weeks later with some concerning issues

Brief Summary of Case

SCENE 1: Joey Slater, an 8-year-old child who received blood transfusion for femur, is now ready for discharge. Stacey, a licensed practical nurse/licensed vocational nurse (LPN/LVN), offers to take care of discharge teaching about cast care, while Charlotte, an RN, calls home health care to arrange a home visit.

SCENE 2: Five weeks later, Joey is readmitted to the pediatric floor. On assessment by the RN, maggots were coming out of the cast, and perineal skin breakdown was noted. As Charlotte and the mother discuss the situation, it’s clear that there was a lack of education. The mother also states that home health nurses never contacted her. Later, Charlotte calls the agency and discovers that they tried repeatedly to contact the family without success.

SCENE 3: Charlotte tells Joey that the doctor says he can go home, but he seems worried and scared. Later, Charlotte calls social services to involve them in the patient’s care. Charlotte advocates for the patient by delaying his discharge and reporting subjective and objective findings to social services.


1. Read the case study above and then, answer the following questions for 
Scene 1:

a. What primary violation of the Code of Ethics in Nursing did you witness in this scene?

b. What evidence do you see for proper delegation, if any, by the RN in the video case?

· What improper delegation took place?

· What would you as the nurse have delegated in this scene?

2. Now, answer the following questions for 
Scene 2:

a. What evidence do we have of the potential for professional negligence and malpractice in the care delivery for this patient? 

b. Which of the nine Code of Ethics for Nursing provisions were upheld by the registered nurse in this scene?

3. Your paper should be:

. One (1) page

. Typed according to 

APA Writing StyleLinks to an external site.
 for margins, formatting and spacing standards.


Use thgis topic to develop a PICOT question. Please see attached documents for the rubrics and the PICOT question development tools. Also provide 10 articles that are peer reviewed and randomized. “Effectiveness of pharmacological and non pharmacological treatment of Parkinson’s disease.” Let me know if you have any questions.


To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in the last assignment and the four systematic reviews you selected in previously.
  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected and analyzed.
  • Review and use the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template attached below.

The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template attached below. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest. (please APA title page)

Part B: Critical Appraisal of Research

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page APA format critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research. (please provide at least 4 references)

(Remember that part A is the appraisal matrix completed with your four articles.)

Part B is a 1-2 page p a p e r in which you suggest the best practices (an intervention recommendation) that you base on the findings within the four articles you are using.)

Resources from presentation

Citing scholarly resources in your work is required throughout your program. This week, you will support your organizational ethics presentation using at least two sources. Share your chosen topic and the key words and search strategies you used with your peers so that you can review each other’s work and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Also, describe what you think are the most important search features when narrowing down topics in the databases and why.