Replies week 6 MSN 5300

 Replies each one with 200 words

The main advantage of mixed-methods research design is that it allows researchers to integrate multiple data sources to provide more insight into the study phenomena. Because mixed methods utilize both numerical and non-numerical data, researchers can assess and explore the relationships and elements of social and human life. Qualitative and quantitative research concepts may be non-specific and ambiguous in some cases. These two challenges may have significant implications for the research. Therefore, when a researcher mixes qualitative and quantitative research, they get the chance to experience new empirical insights into the research from a dynamic and comprehensive approach. Such experiences override the challenges that may come with quantitative or qualitative methods, including inconclusive outcomes and longer than the expected research time. Researchers can take an analytical approach to understanding complex research questions through the use of mixed-methods design.

Similarly, mixed-methods research design allows researchers to integrate data triangulation into the study. With data triangulation, researchers can confirm the validity of research findings by applying several data sources to identify inconsistencies in the variables (Dawadi et al., 2021). For example, to confirm the experiences of patients admitted to palliative care, researchers may use both open-ended and closed-ended surveys to acquire data. The data can be compared through triangulation. Triangulation, thus, allows for the application of “more diverse data,” a quality that may not be achieved by using a single design (Dawadi et al., 2021). When this happens, the validity and reliability of the research findings are improved. 

The main disadvantage of mixed-methods design is that it may be complicated for inexperienced or rookie researchers. Researchers who have little research experience may find it challenging to meet the requirements of the method due to its complex nature (Wasti et al., 2022). Such researchers may also have a hard time identifying interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary team members who have expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research. If this happens, the research process may be gravely compromised. Similarly, mixed-methods design escalates research costs and time since it requires data collection and analysis to be conducted in several stages (Wasti et al., 2022). For example, the study team must collect and analyze both numerical and non-numerical data as prescribed by the design. This may be costly in case of budget constraints and limited time. Lastly, the appropriateness of mixed-methods design is never guaranteed because it mainly depends on the nature of the research questions. Some research questions may be subject to ambiguity which may not be effectively addressed by mixed-methods design.

2. Mixed method research has become increasingly popular in the field of social science and other areas of study because they provide an extensive framework for comprehending challenging research topics. This approach combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques to offer a more thorough and sophisticated knowledge of a particular issue.

Multiple benefits are provided by mixed research methods. By integrating quantitative data for statistical accuracy and qualitative data for perspective and depth, they provide a thorough comprehension of study concerns providing validity and reliability of the results. Qualitative approaches are particularly useful for complicated or understudied issues because they enable investigation and the discovery of unanticipated findings. Additionally, context is added to findings through mixed methods research, increasing their relevance for practical applications (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2019).

Comprehensive Understanding is one of the main advantages of a mixed methods research design. This attention to detail results from the integration of both quantitative and qualitative data, which enables researchers to go further beyond the most obvious conclusions. While qualitative data explore the “why” and “how” by revealing underlying meanings, motives, and context, quantitative data show statistical patterns and connections, providing answers to the “what” and “how many” questions. The findings are more solid and practical as a result of the holistic method, which guarantees that researchers get a thorough, multidimensional understanding of the topic under study. (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2019).

Exploration and discovery are fundamental benefits of using mixed methods research designs. Particularly making use of methods that are qualitative provides the flexibility to examine unforeseen factors of a research subject, leading to the discovery of additional patterns. This element is extremely useful when researching difficult or relatively unexplored subjects since it allows researchers to modify their questions and dive further into unexpected areas. Mixed methods research embraces the qualitative component, encouraging researchers to be open to different viewpoints, eventually resulting in a better and more comprehensive knowledge of the phenomena being examined (Johnson et al., 2021).

Research designs using mixed methodologies have various limitations. They may need a lot of time, money, and skill. Research durations may be affected by the complexity of combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. Furthermore, because qualitative research is subjective, there is a chance that the results may be biased (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2019).

In conclusion, mixed methods research designs that call for both quantitative and qualitative viewpoints provide a highly effective approach. They increase the validity and trustworthiness of study findings and offer a thorough comprehension of complicated events. They do, however, also have disadvantages, such as demands on resources, complexity, and possible bias. When considering whether to adopt a mixed methods approach, researchers must carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages and make sure they are prepared to handle the complicated processes involved. They may then use the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative techniques to better understand their research issues.

Disscusion Boards Week 3

Week 3 Discussion 1

Discuss the potential controversy when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS, and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality.  Consider the following: A physician cut his hand with a scalpel while he was assisting another physician. Because of the uncertainty that blood had been transferred from the physician's hand wound to the patient through an open surgical incision, he agreed to have a blood test for HIV. His blood tested positive for HIV and he withdrew himself from participation in further surgical procedures. Discuss the ethical and legal issues. 

Compose at least 2-3 paragraphs all in APA format with proper references.

Week 3 Discussion 2

The following questions refer to your experience in this week's exercise, Conducting Moral and Ethical Dialog in Clinical Practice. Describe your overall experience with the moral and ethical dialog exercise, and address at least three (3) of the following:

· Did you find any of the scenarios more difficult to deal with than others? 

· Did you feel any internal conflict with any of the scenarios? 

· How did your personal and professional background impact how you decided to interact with the patient? 

· Do you feel the responses the patient gave to the practitioner’s response were reasonable or typical? 

· Were you taken aback by any of the patient reactions? 

· How might this activity contribute to your role as a nurse advocate in a moral and ethical practice? 

· Did you utilize an ethical decision making model to explore a systematic way to evaluate any of these ethical dilemmas? If so, describe the effectiveness. 

· Compose at least 2-3 paragraphs all in APA format with proper references.





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Assigment .Apa seven . All instructions attached.

rt 2 Writing Assignment Week 7

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Health Promotion Proposal, Part 2 Content


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Health Promotion Proposal, Part 2

This is a continuation of the health promotion program proposal, part one, which you submitted previously. 

Please approach this assignment as an opportunity to integrate instructor feedback from part I and expand on ideas adhering to the components of the MAP-IT strategy. Include necessary levels of detail you feel appropriate to assure stakeholder buy-in.



You have already completed the steps 1-4. 
Do not resubmit part 1. Make sure you revise this initial submission according to your instructor’s comments. 

To assist in maintaining harmony between Part I and 2 here you have a reminder of the previous paper outline:

· 1. Describe the health problem. Using data and statistics support your claim that the issue you selected is a problem. What specifically will you address in your proposed health promotion program? Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measurable. 

· 2. Describe the vulnerable population and setting. What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population? Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified. 

· 3. Provide a review of literature from scholarly journals of evidence-based interventions that address the problem. After completing a library search related to effective interventions for your chosen health promotion activity, you will write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found. You might consult research texts for information on how to write a review of the literature found in your search. 

· 4. Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework or conceptual model that would best serve as the framework guiding the proposal. Provide rationale for your selection which includes discussion of the concepts of the selected model 


For this assignment develop criteria 5-8 as detailed below: 

You will submit just this section 5-8 as essay. Please do not resubmit Part 1. 

Use a presentation page. Start the body of content with topic 5.

· 5. Propose a health promotion program using an evidence-based intervention found in your literature search to address the problem in the selected population/setting. Include a thorough discussion of the specifics of this intervention which include resources necessary, those involved, and feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role. 

· Be certain to include a timeline. (2 to 4 paragraphs- you may use bullets if appropriate). 

· 6. Thoroughly describe the intended outcomes. Describe the outcomes in detail concurrent with the SMART goal approach. 
The SMART goal statement should be no more than one sentence (1 paragraph). 

· 7. Provide a detailed plan for evaluation for each outcome. (1 paragraph). 

· 8. Thoroughly describe possible barriers/challenges to implementing the proposed project as well as strategies to address these barriers/challenges. (1 paragraph). 

· Finish the paper with a conclusion paragraph (1 paragraph) without typing the word “conclusion” before the paragraph. 

Paper Requirements 

Your assignment should be up to 3-5 pages (excluding title page and references). 

Remember, your Proposal must be a scholarly paper demonstrating graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge about health promotion. 

Finish the essay with a your reference page.

Please review the Grading Rubric for this Assignment.


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When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems.

The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide your clinical inquiry and professional decisions. Developing a formula for an answerable, researchable question that addresses your need will make the search process much more effective. One such formula is the PICO(T) format.

In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question.

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.

· Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources.

· Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least two different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.

· Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. It is suggested that an Intervention-type PICOT question be developed as these seem to work best for this course. 

*Library tip

Walden Library recommends starting your search 
broadly with one concept or search word and adding more elements one at a time. Depending on your topic, the evidence will not necessarily address 
all the aspects of your PICO(T) question in one article. Select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available, even if that means assembling evidence from multiple articles.

Nursing Research PageLinks to an external site. – databases and resources specifically for Nursing

· Evidence-Based Practice guide: 
Evidence TypesLinks to an external site.

Nursing and Health research videosLinks to an external site., including a 15-minute introduction

Get HelpLinks to an external site. page, including 
Ask a LibrarianLinks to an external site. service

Quick Answers:

How do I find an article that reports on research that uses a specific methodology?Links to an external site.

How do I find original or primary research that analyzes empirical data?Links to an external site.

What is the Find at Walden button?Links to an external site.

Post a brief description of your clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question. Describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples.

Concept Map

 Mr. Rivera is a 72-year-old patient with end stage COPD who is in the care of Hospice. He has a history of smoking, hypertension, obesity, and type 2 Diabetes. He is on Oxygen 2L per nasal cannula around the clock. His wife and 2 adult children help with his care. Develop a concept map for Mr. Rivera. Consider the patients Ethnic background (he and his family are from Mexico) and family dynamics. Please use the concept map form provided. 

*Fill in the concept map attached below; that’s all, and you can add a reference one or two below the map 


The table below gives some operational statistics for two hospitals located in the same community. Use the table to answer the following questions.

  1. Calculate the following measures for each hospital (wherever appropriate, calculate the measure for each pay type). Discuss the meaning and significance of each measure and point out the differences between the two hospitals.
    1. Hospital capacity
    2. ALOS
    3. Occupancy rate
  2. Operationally, which hospital is performing better? Why?
  3. Do you think the nonprofit hospital is meeting its community benefit obligations in exchange for its tax-exempt status? Explain.
  4. Do you think the hospitals have a problem with excess capacity? If so, what would you recommend? In your answer to this question, please consider how hospital governance may impact the ability of an administrator to make changes.

Foundations and Essentials for the Doctor of Nursing Practice


What steps do you take to locate primary and peer-reviewed research articles when performing a literature search?

What resources are available to you to engage in a meaningful and successful literature search?

As you have explored throughout this course, Walden University provides vast resources for student support to ensure success in their academic program of study. When it comes to research and using Library resources, several support mechanisms are available to you as well.

Taking the first step to think about a research topic or area of interest and filtering that topic using a series of keywords and operations will be a fundamental component for performing a literature search in Walden Library’s databases. While the ultimate goal is to produce a set or results that match your search criteria, you must keep in mind that that the quality of the research articles obtained will likely vary. Thus, you must critically examine and analyze the aims of the research produced and how it aligns, confirms, or negates your topic or area of research. As you develop proficiency in this area, you will discover that you can extract content themes and frameworks to enhance future research and the need to identify additional research support.

For this Assignment, consult the Walden Library webinars and resources provided. These resources serve as a general good first step for performing literature searches and engaging with the databases of research available to you. Think about a research topic or area of interest to focus on for this Assignment. Then, search the Walden Library to locate and retrieve peer-reviewed research articles that pertain to your topic or area of interest. 

 locate three peer-reviewed primary research articles that pertain to your practice area (Mental Health) and are of particular interest to you.


Write a 6-paragraph APA-formatted paper in which you do the following:

· Write a 1-pararaph introduction of how you conducted your literature search and the databases consulted in your search in relation to your practice area or area of interest. Be specific and provide examples.

· Write a 1-paragraph summary of each of the articles you have selected (a total of 3 paragraphs).

· Write 1 paragraph that 
synthesizes the three articles using a scholarly voice.

· Write a final paragraph in which you discuss the differences between summarizing and synthesizing research. Be specific and provide examples.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. 

week 4 reply classmate-

Nicole Fox

The main goal of having an EHR is to improve the quality and safety of patient care (Hebda et al. 2018). More hospitals are turning to EHRs because it's a smoother flow of care and recording without compromising patient privacy. Other benefits include: “improving the accuracy and completeness of patient health information; increasing the speed at which care is provided; enhancing the coordination of care; and increasing transparency of health information for patients and their families, flag potentially dangerous drug interactions, verify medications, and reduce the needs for risky tests and procedures (Hebda et al. 2018).” In this scenario, the patient's PHR is limited because tests were outsourced versus being conducted all at the same facility. This can make patients question their diagnosis especially if they don't have all the information available to them. PHRs allow patients to be involved in the healthcare, however for some it may not be entirely user friendly which can hinder their understanding of the medical care. Additionally, not all patients have the level of technology available to them, whether it be a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, and therefore have limited access to their records. It has definitely been a major step forward in the medical field, and there is always room for improvements. Patients also need to understand the risks of safeguarding their personal information and how to protect their records from being accessed by non approved personnel. Both systems do provide results in real time and therefore both patient and provider can access and discuss already performed tests as well as prepare for future testing, thus ensuring they are both in line with the same goals. To ensure PHR protection, the user creates their own login and password. They are then responsible for keeping both of those safe. 

I am glad that patients have access to a PHR. I think it's helps provide understanding to their care and allows them to research and identify questions concerning their medical treatments. We oftentimes find that patients can be a little too research happy and find the 1% side affect that they are afraid might happen to them, and can cause a pause in their treatment. I do enjoy being able to discuss with my patients their results and answer questions on a nursing level, but most of the questions are referenced towards the provider. In this case, I feel like the patient could be frustrated because they don't have access to all the information, but that doesn't mean it's not attainable, just a little more difficult and a little more time consuming to put it all together. 


Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2018). 
Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals. (6th ed.). Pearson Learning Solutions

Kruse, C. S., Smith, B., Vanderlinden, H., & Nealand, A. (2017). Security Techniques for the Electronic Health Records. 
Journal of medical systems
41(8), 127.
Links to an external site.

Discussion 3-5550

Visit and review the American Hospital Association’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. Discuss how health care professionals can ensure that patients’ rights are upheld and protected. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.  Limit is 500 words 

Identify Health Trends within Counties

How do we identify health Trends?