pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. Include clinical manifestations, evaluation, & treatment.

  • How does this topic relate to something you might see in clinical practice?
  • How does this topic relate to your presentation
  • Which ideas make the most sense and why?
  •  How does this topic relate to current events?
  • What might make this problem more treatable?

Requesting writing tutor

Answer in 500 words

1. Find two articles (evidence-based) that discuss emerging trends in Nursing Informatics.

a. Conduct a literature review on emerging trends in nursing informatics. 

2. For your post, briefly summarize the important points and/or findings of the articles. 

3. State why your chosen articles are relevant to nursing. 

4. Answer the question: “How can I help my colleagues and patients embrace, understand, and use technologies to manage health?” 

5. Include references in APA format.

Alcoholic pt case-study

Please see the attachment for instructions


 Reply these words with 200 words each one and reference

Title: Influencing Healthcare Through Advocacy: A Personal Journey and how to 

create effective interdisciplinary organizational and systems leadership in the care of clients in diverse care settings.


Learning the ropes of policy, politics, and advocacy is a transformative endeavor with the ultimate goal of influencing healthcare and broader social agendas that profoundly impact human health. In this discussion, I become an advocate to effect change in healthcare, reflecting the purpose of mastering these skills.

Advocacy for Universal Healthcare Access

My journey into healthcare advocacy began when I witnessed the struggles of a close friend, Emily, who was burdened by exorbitant medical bills due to a chronic illness. Fueled by empathy and a desire for equitable healthcare, I embarked on a path to advocate for universal healthcare access.

            1.         Policy Analysis and Research: I started by immersing myself in healthcare policy analysis and research (Smith et al., 2018). This included studying existing healthcare systems worldwide to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Through this, I gained the knowledge needed to advocate for an inclusive healthcare system.

            2.         Community Engagement: Recognizing that community support is crucial for advocacy, I organized town hall meetings, awareness campaigns, and grassroots movements to engage citizens in discussions about healthcare access (Gitterman, 2017). By fostering a sense of shared responsibility, we encouraged individuals to join the cause.

            3.         Legislative Advocacy: I proactively engaged with lawmakers, presenting data and personal stories to advocate for policy changes aimed at expanding healthcare access. Collaborating with like-minded organizations and lobbying for healthcare reform became integral to my advocacy efforts (Berkowitz & Wolff, 2020).

            4.         Patient-Centered Advocacy: To amplify the voices of patients like Emily, I encouraged them to share their experiences and struggles. These personal stories resonated with policymakers and underscored the urgent need for healthcare reform (Travis, 2019).

            5.         Building Coalitions: Recognizing the power of partnerships, I formed coalitions with healthcare professionals, advocacy groups, and community leaders. These alliances strengthened our advocacy efforts and allowed us to pool resources and expertise (Berkowitz & Wolff, 2020).


My journey in healthcare advocacy reflects the purpose of mastering policy, politics, and advocacy skills – to influence healthcare and broader social agendas. Through policy analysis, community engagement, legislative advocacy, patient-centered efforts, and strategic partnerships, I worked towards the vision of universal healthcare access.  This it highlights the profound impact advocacy can have in shaping the future of healthcare and improving human health on a broader scale.

2. I have learned to value the crucial part that politics, lobbying, and policy play in determining the healthcare landscape throughout my work as a nurse. One specific instance stands out as proof of the effectiveness of advocacy in changing health care and more general societal goals.

I recently came across a critical problem involving patient safety and drug delivery while working as a clinical nurse in a big urban hospital. It became clear that our current system had a history of mistakes, especially when it came to high-risk drugs. This finding is confirmed by Pozzi’s (2023) study. Concerns over near-miss occurrences and sporadic medication mistakes had been raised among the nursing team, and it was obvious that something needed to be done to safeguard the safety of our patients.

Seeing the gravity of the situation, I started an advocacy journey to deal with it. The first step was acquiring information and proof to support my claims. I carefully recorded incidences and reviewed the available research on the best medication administration methods. I used this knowledge to report my findings to the hospital’s quality improvement committee.

Gaining support for the suggested improvements required active participation from stakeholders, as evidenced in the study by Beaudry et al. (2019). I formed a multidisciplinary task force with other nurses, pharmacists, and doctors to enhance pharmaceutical safety. We held regular meetings to discuss solutions, examine policies, and implement actual initiatives.

The adoption of a barcode scanning technology for medicine administration was one of the main campaign initiatives. I thought this technology had a lot of promise for our hospital because it had successfully reduced prescription errors in other healthcare settings. I did a ton of study on the advantages and affordability of this approach, and I made a strong argument to hospital executives.

The practice of advocacy went beyond hospital boundaries. I spoke with representatives from pharmaceutical companies, went to patient safety seminars, and connected with industry experts. I was able to present creative solutions by keeping up with developments in medicine administration technologies and best practices.

I worked with the hospital’s nursing leadership to write a policy proposal describing the implementation strategy for the barcode scanning technology as the advocacy efforts picked up steam. This comprised a thorough rollout schedule, workflow modifications, and employee training. I made sure that frontline nurses’ involvement was included in the policy because their viewpoints were crucial for forming its actual implementation.

The conclusion of these campaign efforts was the effective introduction of barcode scanning technology for drug administration. The new approach greatly decreased prescription errors and near-miss instances, improving patient safety and boosting nursing staff trust.

This example demonstrated the significant influence lobbying may have on medical outcomes. I was able to have an impact on an important component of patient care by identifying a problem, obtaining data, enlisting stakeholders, and promoting creative solutions. It strengthened my resolve to be a proactive advocate for the welfare of my patients and the larger community, and it confirmed my belief in the ability of advocacy to bring about constructive change in the healthcare industry.


For this assignment you will be asked to apply course concepts and learn to develop one Literature Review Table that includes 2 articles.

Please use the Literature Review Template provided within the course content and the evidence rating scale adapted from Melnyk found in course content. There is a video explaining how to complete the table in your course content.

Will I be adding this assignment to the final paper? Yes! The completed Literature Review Table from this week will be used again in the Appendix of your research paper (future assignment).

Will I need to create new literature review tables again for the final paper? No-this is the only assignment you’ll use the table format for. You will summarize 5 additional research articles in the Findings section of your Research Review, so please save those for the future.

Key Information for this assignment:

· You should not copy information from the research you obtain. All information from the research should be paraphrased in your own words (less than 6 words in one sentence should match). Plagiarism checkers should result in less than 10% for the literature review tables.

· All Searches for your Research Review must be completed through the Minnesota State University, Mankato library. Online searches will not be accepted with the exception of Google Scholar. Supply a pdf of your 2 full text articles in the drobox with your literature review table. Do not send links.

· A Data Search Table must be submitted with the Literature Review Assignment and is worth 5 points. Please provide a screen shot of one of your key term searches within the library databases.


Possible Points

Points Earned


Article title, author, and date is listed in APA format and is current (not older than 5 years)


List the reference as a citation in the text would be cited. Include the reference in the reference section of the paper.

Purpose of article is clear and paraphrased from the article


Why was the research conducted? What was the goal /discovery that researcher was trying to achieve

Sample size of study article used is stated and numeric values are given (when applicable)


N=total number


Study Design is clearly stated, and level of evidence is provided correctly (Evidence Rating Pyramid adapted from Melnyk in course content)

Strongest, stronger, strong, moderate, weak, weakest


Include design Quantitative, qualitative design, meta-analysis: retrospective chart review, surveys, etc.

Where does this fall Evidence pyramid Melnyk?

Variables/measurement included briefly; reliability of measurement data is included


Statistical test used for quantitative; qualitative may use pain score, survey, depression rating scale etc.

Results/findings are clear and statistical significance is included (for example p value)


Findings should have an associated statistical value if quantitative, if qualitative may have results of response to treatment 26 had pain relieved vs 13 did not….

Implications of research for nursing practice and how they apply to or support your research topic

Should include limitations


Did this article support your PICO? Did it lead you to search in a different direction? Does it demonstrate that there is not enough research to support a practice change

Correct APA format, free of spelling and grammatical errors


Follow APA for listing authors Page 286 7th ed.

Includes Data Search Table completed with search terms and screen shot of one search from table




Health Care-Associated infections

 Provide a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem. • Identify three social determinant risk factors for the selected practice probl 

Program critique

Please follow all directions 


What resources are needed to start a business?


Initial Post:

  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing



Topic: Hypertension

A 56-year-old patient with newly diagnosed stage 1 hypertension has been referred to you for counseling regarding lifestyle modifications. He is married, with four children — two in high school, two in college. His job as a senior vice-president for a major retail chain requires that he work long hours and frequently eat at restaurants. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, has a body mass index (BMI) of 29 kg/m2, and a waist-hip ratio of 1.6. He usually drinks one to two dry martinis to relax after he gets home from work.

  1. How would you develop a realistic plan to help this patient reduce his blood pressure and prevent complications?
  2. Which risk factors would be among your top two or three priorities for this patient, and what interventions or recommendations would you provide for modifying these?

Instructions: 1 pg to 1 1/2 pg is long enough. APA style discussion post. has to have 3 references.