risk of various health problems

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist patients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the patient. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

Chapter 3

one-page abstract on chapter 3 from the Kaakinen et al. textbook. The abstract shall highlight the salient points in the chapter, not to exceed one page double-spaced, including a brief critique, and comply with APA 7th Edition format and style with 3 references.

Nursing The future of nursing informatics in nursing practice assignment


In the past, treating the whole person, with sensitivity to the interplay of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that impact health and healing, has been central to the practice of nursing. The field of informatics is playing an important role in advancing our understanding of human health and well-being by utilizing advanced computational modeling and data analytics to improve health care delivery as shown in this nursing informatics assignment help. In the future, informatics will enable nurses to better identify and respond to the unique needs of their patients and patients around the world, using data analytics to personalize care.

The field of informatics is the study of information and its application in the healthcare industry. Formerly, the focus of the field was on how to organize, store, and retrieve data in EHRs. Today, the focus is on the use of data and analytics to drive better clinical care and outcomes, improve workflow, and build more efficient care delivery systems. The field is also advancing in its treatment of informatics as a science and engineering, with the potential to create breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment (Brewer, Fortuna, Jones, Walker, Hayes, Patten, & Cooper, 2020).

In the past, the role of informatics was to store and retrieve patient information. Today, the role of informatics is to improve the care provided to patients by using data and analytics to drive better clinical care and outcomes, improve workflow, and build more efficient care delivery systems (Brewer, et al., 2020). Nurses are using data and analytics to improve the quality of care they provide and the outcomes they achieve, while simultaneously improving the efficiency with which they deliver care. They’re also applying machine learning and predictive analytics to improve care coordination and patient outcomes.

Previously, the focus of the field of informatics has been on the collection and analysis of electronic health information. This has led to the development of electronic health records (EHR) and clinical decision support systems, which are used to improve the quality of care provided to patients (Backonja, Mook, & Heermann Langford, 2021). However, treating the patient as the center of care has been the guiding principle of nursing for centuries. The field of informatics builds on that tradition by providing the tools and information necessary to optimize care, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs.

Treating the whole person, with sensitivity to the interplay of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that impact health and healing, is central to the practice of nursing. The growing field of informatics is playing a critical role in advancing our understanding of human health and well-being by utilizing advanced computational modeling and data analytics to improve health care delivery (Backonja, Mook, & Heermann Langford, 2021, Nursing Assignment Help). In the future, informatics will enable nurses to better identify and respond to the unique needs of their patients and patients around the world, using data analytics to personalize care. 

Tens of thousands of nurses across the country are working to advance the state of informatics in nursing practice. Nurses are using data and analytics to drive better clinical care and outcomes, improve workflow, and build more efficient care delivery systems. They’re also applying machine learning and predictive analytics to improve care coordination and patient outcomes. And they’re using chatbots and virtual assistance to provide high-quality care when and where it’s needed most (Backonja, Mook, & Heermann Langford, 2021).

Tackling some of the biggest challenges in nursing practice through the use of technology is the key to improving care and outcomes for patients. The field of informatics is the study of information, including how it is gathered, analyzed and applied (Brewer, et al., 2020). Advances in informatics have led to some of the most significant improvements in care and health outcomes in the history of medicine. The field is developing at a breakneck pace, and with it comes the opportunity to transform the way we practice.

Treating informatics as an engineering discipline has led to a number of innovations in the field, including the creation of electronic health records (EHR) and clinical decision support systems. However, treating informatics as a science has also led to some promising advancements in the field, including the development of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to diagnose and treat disease (Kiessling, Iott, Pater, Toscos, Wagner, Gottlieb, & Veinot, 2022).. The most exciting developments in the future of informatics are likely to be those that are developed in the intersection of the two: treating informatics as a science and engineering, and treating informatics as a humanistic discipline and art. As such, informatics will continue to play an important role in nursing practice, with a focus on advancing the field as a whole, not just as a technology to be

Treating the patient as the center of care has been the guiding principle of nursing for centuries. The field of informatics builds on that tradition by providing the tools and information necessary to optimize care, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs. As the field of informatics continues to grow and evolve, so too does the future of nursing. What will the field look like in the future? Reference: https://profsonly.com/assignment-help/nursing-assignment-help-from-expert-writers/nursing-informatics-assignment-help-by-expert-writers/ 


Nursing informatics and health informatics

The field of nursing known as “nursing informatics” focuses on integrating information technology with traditional nursing practises. The role of the nurse informaticist in modern healthcare is to facilitate communication between the organization’s IT infrastructure and the clinicians and other providers working inside it. It can mean different things to different people, but put simply, it’s the use of computers and nursing science to disseminate data, knowledge, and expertise in the field of nursing. Both health informatics and nursing informatics make use of data and technology to facilitate change that could enhance care delivery, result in better health for patients, and reduce healthcare costs. However, health informatics is a broad phrase that encompasses a variety of disciplines, occupations, and data-driven healthcare innovations.

Why nurses should have nursing informatics

Nursing informatics influences workflow, facilitates communication between IT and nurses, and increases patient acceptance of routine clinical processes. Facilitates enhanced nursing care for patients.

Good healthcare depends on accurate and comprehensive electronic health records. By adhering to privacy regulations, informaticians ensure that hospitals and clinics have the infrastructure in place to store and track extensive medical records for each patient.

Guiding principles in nursing informatics

According to American Nurses Association, the guiding principle that nurses need to follow as it pertains to nursing informatics include, Assessment, Diagnosis, problems, and issues identification, Outcomes identification, planning, implementation and evaluation.

How nursing informatics is linked to quality and patient safety

The results of the study performed by python assignment help demonstrate the critical importance of IT literacy for enhancing healthcare delivery. Nursing education programmes that incorporate technology and multimedia can help increase the usage of informatics tools in practise, which in turn protects patients. Several studies have shown that shift planning and management have an impact on nurses’ productivity and the quality of healthcare provided.



Backonja, U., Mook, P., & Heermann Langford, L. (2021). Calling nursing informatics leaders: Opportunities for personal and professional growth. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 26(3), 1-8. Profsonly.com/assignment-help/nursing-assignment-help-from-expert-writers/

Brewer, L. C., Fortuna, K. L., Jones, C., Walker, R., Hayes, S. N., Patten, C. A., & Cooper, L. A. (2020). Back to the future: achieving health equity through health informatics and digital health. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(1), e14512. https://profsonly.com/assignment-help/python-assignment-help/ 

Kiessling, K. A., Iott, B. E., Pater, J. A., Toscos, T. R., Wagner, S. R., Gottlieb, L. M., & Veinot, T. C. (2022). Health informatics interventions to minimize out-of-pocket medication costs for patients: what providers want. JAMIA open, 5(1), ooac007.



Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old son to your primary care office. He states the boy has been ill for three days. Mr. Smith indicates that he would like antibiotics so he can send his son back to pre-school the next day.

History – Child began with sneezing, mild cough, and low grade fever of 100 degrees three days ago. All immunizations UTD. Father reports that the child has had only two incidents of URI and no other illnesses.

Social – non-smoking household. Child attends preschool four mornings a week and is insured through his father’s employment. No other siblings in the household.

PE/ROS -T 99, R 20, P 100. Alert, cooperative, in good spirits, well-hydrated. Mildly erythemic throat, no exudate, tonsils +2. Both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement. Lungs clear bilaterally. All other systems WNL.

Do not consider COVID-19 for this patient diagnosis.

For the assignment, do the following:

1. Diagnose the child and describe how you arrived at the diagnosis (i.e. how you ruled out other diagnoses).

2. Provide a specific treatment plan for this patient, pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic.

3. Provide a communication plan for how the family will be involved in the treatment plan.

4. Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your treatment decisions.

5. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts to support your diagnosis and treatment.

6. Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting and mechanics of professional communication.

Present this Assignment as a narrative document, with a minimum of 4, and maximum of 5 pages not counting the cover page or reference page. It is not necessary to repeat the facts of the case in your narrative.

Before finalizing your work, you should:

Read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

Consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

· Utilize 
spelling and 
grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing assignment should:

· Follow the conventions of 
Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, mechanics, etc.);

· Be 
well organized, logical, and 
unified, as well as 
original and insightful;

· Utilize correct APA formatting, 7th edition.

· Submit to, and review results of Turnitin.

Unit 6 Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

Making a correct diagnosis

· An accurate diagnosis is provided

· Rationale for arrival at the diagnosis with support from literature

· An accurate diagnosis is provided

· Rationale for the diagnosis is provided without support from literature

· An accurate diagnosis is provided

· Rationale for the diagnosis is not provided

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 2

Level III Max Points

Points: 12

Level II Max Points

Points: 9.6

Level I Max Points

Points: 7.2

Not Present

0 Points

Developing a treatment plan

· A correct and specific pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment plan for the case study patient is provided

· A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing less than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment.

· A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing more than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment.

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 3

Level III Max Points

Points: 8

Level II Max Points

Points: 6.4

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.8

Not Present

0 Points

Providing the patient or family with resources

· Three or more patient resources to assist with understanding the treatment plan are provided

· Two patient resources to assist with understanding the treatment plan are provided

· One patient resource to assist with understanding the treatment plan is provided

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 4

Level III Max Points

Points: 7

Level II Max Points

Points: 5.6

Level I Max Points

Points: 4.2

Not Present

0 Points

Developing a communication plan

· A communication plan which includes principles of therapeutic communication is included

· A communication plan that does not include principles of therapeutic communication is provided

· Does not meet the criteria

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 5

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

College-level academic writing

· Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are used

· Grammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level work

· Adheres to page number requirements

· The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readability

· Adhere to page number requirements

· The minority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present Which interferes with readability

· Does not adhere to page number requirements

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 6

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

Citations and Formatting

· Includes a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style.

· Minor paper formatting errors may occur.

· Minor in-text citation errors may occur.

· All authorship is clear and retrievable.

· Includes an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style.

· Errors in formatting of citation or sources are present.

· All sources have some form of citation and all citations have a matching source.

· Citations generally make authorship clear.

·  Major errors in citations or source formatting are present.

· Citation or source information may be missing or incorrect.

· Authorship may be unclear.

· Does not meet the criteria

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

45 points minimum

34 points minimum

1 point minimum


disscusion 6 diversity


After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told that his cholesterol is elevated, and he was instructed about a low-fat diet. His most recent test results show his values to be unchanged.

  1. Discuss the meaning of food in the German culture.
  2. Using the predominant health beliefs of people of German ancestry, how might you help Mr. Pfiefer reduce his cholesterol level?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. 

WEEK 7 MSN 5550


Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific

illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.  Share your opinions about holistic and allopathic care.

Would have any conflicts or concerns supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic medicine?

 Word limit 500 words. 


Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) 

health care statistics.

Primary Task Response: write words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You are a health care administrator (HCA) for a community hospital named Choice Hospital. As the HCA, you are working with new staff who will assist you with data collection and analysis for tracking and benchmarking performance in several key areas of the facility. As you work with the new staff, you will help them understand the meaning of health statistics and  the external resources available for locating health care statistics by completing the following:

  • Define health care statistics
  • Explain the purpose of collecting and reviewing healthcare statistics
  • Identify 2 organizations that use health care statistics at the local, state, and national levels (e.g., CMS hospital system)   
  • Identify 2 sources that are available to obtain healthcare statistics

Fundamental M5

Assignment Content

1. Complete the
ATI Systems Disorder template for your assigned respiratory topic. Every box on the template must be completed, a citation is needed for every box, and your reference list must be included (APA). 

The good over the bad

Can I please get some assist with this question?

Theory class discussion replies

please respond to each discussion response and provide at least 2 references each