Lab Safety Simulation

BIOS242, Week 1-OL


Lab 1: Lab Safety

Learning Objectives

· Use the correct clothing to work in the lab

· Describe the do’s and don’ts in a laboratory

· Correctly use the lab safety equipment

· React in an emergency situation

Introduction: About Lab safety virtual simulations lab
Laboratories can be very dangerous, especially if you’ve never set foot in one before. So in this simulation, you’ll get the chance to make your debut in a virtual one! You will learn how to use the lab safety equipment, and how to react in case of an emergency. Detect and eliminate sources of danger and pass on your lab safety knowledge to friends.

Identify hazards
Safety first! Always pay attention to potential hazards when you enter a lab. In this simulation, you will create a tidy and safe working environment by identifying and eliminating hazards in the lab. You will be introduced to the lab safety rules and the safety equipment, which will help you and your colleagues, if something was to go wrong in a real lab.

Emergency training
You will be introduced to the basic hazard symbols used to categorize dangerous materials. You’ll use this knowledge to prevent dangerous situations, like acid spills. But you will also learn how to deal with unlabeled, potentially hazardous chemicals. By mastering such situations in this simulation, you won’t have to worry about being exposed to any real danger. You will learn how to operate the eye-wash and also get an introduction to various other pieces of lab safety equipment.

Spread your knowledge
It is important to share your newly acquired knowledge with your colleagues. In this simulation, you will meet your friend Lucy who’s never worked in a lab before. Pass on your lab safety knowledge and help her dress appropriately for a day in the lab.

Will you be able to apply your knowledge, and make sure that you and your friend stay safe in the laboratory?

1. Purpose: Please describe in complete sentences and in your own words, the purpose of this experiment.

2. Why is it important to wear closed toe shoes in lab?

3. What is the importance of cleaning work bench before and after use?

4. If you have spillage or work bench contamination, what are the steps required to make the surface sterile again?

5. What are the different types of hazardous material generated in Micro lab? Give some ways of their proper disposal.

6. Write a reflection on this lab exercise- 5 sentences on what you learned with this simulation.

Grading Rubric:




Document Submission

Complete lab report and answer questions

· Purpose (2 point)

Questions (8 points)

· Reflection (5 points)



Complete all lab



Short Answer Pharm

Assignment, you will review and apply your understanding of psychopharmacologic treatments for patients with multiple mental health disorders.

1. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain the appropriate drug therapy for a patient who presents with MDD and a history of alcohol abuse ( use an SSRI Sertraline and an alcohol cessation medication naltrexone). Which drugs are contraindicated, if any, and why? Be specific. What is the timeframe that the patient should see resolution of symptoms?

2. List 4 predictors of late onset generalized anxiety disorder.

3. List 4 potential neurobiology causes of psychotic major depression.

4. An episode of major depression is defined as a period of time lasting at least 2 weeks. List at least 5 symptoms required for the episode to occur. Be specific.

5. List 3 classes of drugs, with a corresponding example for each class, that precipitate insomnia. Be specific. 

References x 3 to include:

Morgenthaler, T. I., Kapur, V. K., Brown, T. M., Swick, T. J., Alessi, C., Aurora, R. N., Boehlecke, B., Chesson, A. L., Friedman, L., Maganti, R., Owens, J., Pancer, J., & Zak, R. (2007). Practice parameters for the treatment of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of central origin. 

SLEEPLinks to an external site.

, 30(12), 1705–1711.

Sateia, M. J., Buysse, D. J., Krystal, A. D., Neubauer, D. N., & Heald, J. L. (2017). Clinical practice guideline for the pharmacologic treatment of chronic insomnia in adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. 

Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineLinks to an external site.

, 13(2), 307–349.

Lymphatic, Chest, & Heart


This Discussion has 3 parts:

  1. Lymphatic
    • Define lymphedema.
    • What is elephantiasis?
    • Provide the differential diagnosis of mumps versus cervical adenitis.
  2. Thorax and Lungs
    • Define and provide an example of a disease/situation where this sign/symptom might be present:
      • Dyspnea
      • Orthopnea
      • Apnea
      • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
      • Tachypnea
      • Bradypnea
      • Hyperpnea
      • Kussmaul breathing
      • Periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes).
    • Support your answer with a previous experience you have encountered in your career.
  3. Cardiovascular System
    • Name and write the location of the five traditionally designated auscultatory areas and explain why it is heard there.
    • A pregnant patient (32 weeks’ gestation) is having difficulty with dependent edema and painful varicosities. What can you suggest to help this patient’s problem and explain rationale?

D.Saa Cultural Wk 2 Disc

Based on your clinical practice area and location. What are some of the greatest cultural issues and trends that are frequently encountered? How do we as professional nurses rise to these challenges? Provide examples of cultural recognition and potential health-related issues while implementing evidence-based standards of care



Changes in culture and technology have resulted in patient populations that are often well informed and educated, even before consulting or considering a healthcare need delivered by a health professional. Fueled by this, health professionals are increasingly involving patients in treatment decisions. However, this often comes with challenges, as illnesses and treatments can become complex.

What has your experience been with patient involvement in treatment or healthcare decisions?

In this Discussion, you will share your experiences and consider the impact of patient involvement (or lack of involvement). You will also consider the use of a patient decision aid to inform best practices for patient care and healthcare decision making.

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into) a decision regarding their treatment plan.

· Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute's Decision Aids Inventory at to an external site..

· Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then 
Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic.

· After you have chosen a topic (or condition) and a decision aid, consider if 
social determinants of healthLinks to an external site. were considered in the treatment plan Social determinants of health can affect a patient's decision as these are conditions in the patient's environment, such as economic stability, education access, health care access and quality, neighborhood, and social and community context.

NOTE: To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, please 
DO NOT use the patient's real name or any information that might identify the patient or organization/practice.

Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences, 
social determinants of health
Links to an external site.
, and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.

(Please Note: The underlined “social determinants of health” in the above content is meant to hotlink to the following Walden webpage and content:

Social Determinants of Health – Social Determinants of Health – Academic Guides at Walden 
Links to an external site.



Required Readings

· Hoffman, T. C., Montori, V. M., & Del Mar, C. (2014). 

The connection between evidence-based medicine and shared decision makingLinks to an external site.

Journal of the American Medical Association, 312(13), 1295–1296. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.10186

· Kon, A. A., Davidson, J. E., Morrison, W., Danis, M., & White, D. B. (2016). 

Shared decision making in intensive care units: An American College of Critical Care Medicine and American Thoracic Society policy statementLinks to an external site.

Critical Care Medicine, 44(1), 188–201. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000001396

· Opperman, C., Liebig, D., Bowling, J., & Johnson, C. S., & Harper, M. (2016). 

Measuring return on investment for professional development activities: Implications for practiceLinks to an external site.

Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 32(4), 176–184. doi:10.1097/NND.0000000000000483

· Schroy, P. C., Mylvaganam, S., & Davidson, P. (2014). 

Provider perspectives on the utility of a colorectal cancer screening decision aid for facilitating shared decision makingLinks to an external site.

Health Expectations, 17(1), 27–35. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00730.xThe Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. (2019). 

Patient decision aidsLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved from

Replies 5550


Reply to these works with a reflection of their response.  200 words each ones

Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format)  

1.My name is Ceria Mok Yam, I came from Venezuela 8 years ago and currently living in Miami with my husband and 2 little kids. I am a foreign medical doctor and as part of my goals to continue working in the healthcare field I became a registered nurse last year and decided to continue my path through the family nurse practitioner program. Right now, I am fully dedicated to my classes and family. My hobbies usually include a pleasant restaurant and playgrounds or kids’ friendly activities. And my long term goals include working as a PCP in a medical office once I complete my FNP.

During this first week, I am going to discuss the use of the paradigms of health, by linking between health and behavior, and describing how this relationship affects social determinants of health.

As part of the paradigms of health, John Travis, a medical practitioner, developed a model of wellbeing called The Illness-Wellness Continuum, which explain the constant dynamic between different degrees of wellness and illness, starting from a neutral point in the center of the graphic, from which a patient can move to the left showing a progressively worsening level of health, or moving to the right, indicating an increase state of health, and wellbeing (Lothes & Kantor, 2021). This model tries to explain that in the healthcare field, the absent of a disease does not necessarily mean that a person is healthy, it describes how a patient with physical injuries, symptoms, and disabilities can be treated in a way to achieve the neutral point. However, the wellness paradigms explain that additional progression to the right side of the model is necessary to ensure not only physical but emotional and mental wellness.

In order to achieve a higher level of wellness, it is essential to determine the effect of medical treatments, behavior, and socioeconomic status in the patient’s health condition; acquiring a more holistic approach can help nursing professionals better understand the importance of a individualized plan of care specific to each patient.

Some of the elements that might influence the paradigms of health include the education level (Solanki, Shankar Rath, Silan, & Singh, 2020). It is known that those with higher education levels and literacy usually engage in healthy behaviors, compared with individuals with lower education preparation and less access to information about healthy habits. Socioeconomic status has a significant impact on health conducts and conditions (Solanki, Shankar Rath, Silan, & Singh, 2020). Patients with financial challenges and reduced access to resources can have difficulties fulfilling their health goals. Also, patients with chronic disease can lead to job loss, worsening his or her resources and status.

Cultural and social support, family, close relatives, and friends, as well as community members may influence in the patient’s capacity to engage in healthy behaviors, which includes physical activities preferences, cultural habits, food options, emotional states, capacity to express themselves, and others.

In conclusion, the comprehension of the paradigms of health can help nursing professional and healthcare providers in general, to assess the individual health status and address social determinants of health in order to create interventions that provide adequate resources and promote healthier conducts, which consequently improve their overall status.

2. My name is Anny Morales Souquett, I am a foreign doctor, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. I arrived in the EEUU in 2018.  I live in Miami. In 2020 I started nursing school and finish in December 2022. I did the Nclex in February 2023. I currently work as a Care Coordinator, taking care of the needs of patients with Highly Complex, High Risk, and High Utilizer. In my spare time, I enjoy walking in the parks, going to the beach, and traveling with my family. My favorite movies are Start Wars and Disney movies. In 5 years, I visualize myself as a Nurse Practitioner of a Gynecological medical office, providing the best care to my patients, doing prevention, and teaching them to provide their lifestyle. I am sure that the class will help me understand this topic much better.

Understanding how societal and personal variables affect well-being requires using the paradigms of health to investigate the connection between health and behavior. Social determinants of health, which are the circumstances under which people are born, develop, live, work, and age and which affect health outcomes, are significantly impacted by this relationship. Three references who are no older than five years old provide the following overview of this relationship:

The biomedical perspective has a history of emphasizing the physical components of health and frequently views disorders as distinct entities. Modern biological research does, however, recognize the significant influence that behavior has on health consequences. According to research, lifestyle factors like food, exercise, and drug use significantly affect how chronic diseases start and advance (Danaei et al., 2019). Healthcare professionals can better meet the needs of each patient by customizing therapies and prevention measures by understanding these linkages.

The biopsychosocial paradigm takes a comprehensive approach to health, considering biological, psychological, and social variables. Health is understood to be both a result of behavior and its primary cause. Stress-related harmful behaviors, such as smoking or binge eating, can have an impact on one’s physical health (Taylor et al., 2017). A holistic approach to healthcare must consider how these aspects interact.

Social Determinants of Health: Social determinants of health are closely related to the connection between behavior and health. Individual behaviors and health outcomes are significantly influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. For instance, socioeconomic gaps might prevent disadvantaged groups from having access to nutritious food options and secure spaces for physical activity, which can result in harmful habits and worsened health (Braveman et al., 2017). The significance of tackling social determinants to lessen health disparities is highlighted by the recognition of these relationships.

It is crucial to comprehend how behavior and health interact within the framework of these paradigms to create public health strategies and policies that are efficient. Policymakers and healthcare practitioners can create treatments that target both individual behaviors and the larger societal contexts that drive such behaviors by considering the complex web of variables that affect health outcomes.

Module 03 Case Study

due 10-15-23 @ 10 am


Post a disucssion post on the topic of evidence-based practice in the health care organization where you practice (psychiatric hospital). Drawing on your understanding of EBP and your firsthand observations within your organization, include the following content in your blog:

  • Briefly describe one specific example of evidence-based practice that produced/is producing significant patient outcomes. Or, if you are lacking examples, describe a recent patient experience that might have been improved through application of evidence-based practice. Explain your reasoning. Note: To maintain confidentiality, do not refer to individuals by name or with identifying details.
  • Evaluate the overall application of evidence-based practice within your health care organization, including conditions that support it or roadblocks to overcome. Explain your reasoning, including how you have arrived at your conclusions.
  • Describe how you can advocate for application of evidence-based practice within your health care organization.
  • please provide at least 3 references

Weekly Articles & Possible Future Improvements


Think about the articles you have been reading each week.

Were there any recommendations for practice that you thought could be implemented in your clinical practice tomorrow? Next week? Next year? Provide rationale to support your response.

Case 15

See attached report.