Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

BHA435 CASE 3 Drop Box

9/11/23, 2:05 PM SLP – BHA435 Healthcare Quality Assessment and Improvement (2023AUG14FT-1) https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/201354/viewContent/5059890/View 1/2 Module 3 – SLP HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Review the following article: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013). Module 14: Creating quality improvement teams and QI plans. Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic- care/improve/system/pfhandbook/mod14.html Using the improvement plan you developed […]


Module 02 – Written Assignment-Communication Techniques Worksheet Name: Date: Complete all your lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure that you are focusing on: · Communication techniques used to promote safety within the healthcare facility. · Communication techniques used to provide optimal patient care. Instructions: · Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences. · […]


Original Work, No Plagiarism, Cite and Reference Joanna, a psychiatrist, has a busy clinical practice. She is widely recognized as a leader in reducing the number of psychotic episodes that patients with schizophrenia experience. Her treatment modalities are largely informed by her research. She has performed numerous clinical trial studies combining various antipsychotic and other […]

Nursing Last Assignment

Students will select a Nursing Issue to debate.  Selected topics should be relevant to the nursing profession, and both sides of the argument clearly and equally presented.  A list of scholarly/academic references utilized to construct the debate must be turned in with APA formatting.  DEBATE/DISCUSSION RULES: Due to logistical challenges, this forum will be conducted […]


1) Review your state’s Nurse Practice Act and rules and regulations. 2) As a coworker, what are you required to do if you believe a nurse has a problem with chemical dependency? As the nurse manager, what are your obligations? Please cite the Nurse Practice Act.