Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

Cost benefit Analysis Reply

Expand on this explanation and provide an example that supports this explanation or respectfully challenging this explanation and providing an example.  Cost Benefit Analysis and its Impact on Efforts to Repeal ACA The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was one of the policies in the Obama administration that caused diverse political reactions […]

What would you do?

Betty, the chief nursing officer, had to make a decision about buying 120 new hospital beds for patient rooms. After she interviewed nurse mangers at the units where the beds were going to be placed, Betty compiled her findings and decided to contact a well-known equipment company to obtain prices and contracts. The equipment company’s […]


   This week we have an assignment regarding the neurologic and musculoskeletal system.  Please use the following interactive media case for your paper:  https://cdn-media.waldenu.edu/2dett4d/Walden/NURS/6521/05/mm/decision_trees/week_10/index.html   DECISION TREE FOR NEUROLOGICAL AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS  For your Assignment, your Instructor will assign you one of the decision tree interactive media pieces provided in the Resources. As you examine […]


Thank you for your post! I want to clarify the interval and ratio level of measurements. Feedback and Question: In statistics, measurements having starting points are classified as ratio levels of measurement. Do you know if blood pressure readings are measured starting from zero and cannot go below zero, with zero being the baseline? I […]


Identify at least 3 key concepts from the selected part of the textbook and provide clear and correct explanations. Writing shows a clear logical link between those concepts. Synthesize information from multiple sources (lectures, readings, activities) and derive a conclusion in your own words. The terminology used is clearly defined. Notes: – The reflection should […]


Create a discussion about anemia related to right sided colon cancer, What patient education would you provide for a patient recently diagnosed? what recommendations would you give him?  400 words and at least 2 scholarly references not older than 5 years. 


Hello Professor and Class,  In Eukaryotic cells are found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists. In the Eukaryotic cells the nucleus is what is found in them. The nucleus is a compact sphere that is the most prominent organelle in eukaryotic cells (Cowan 2020 pg. 115).  The nucleus is what is called a “control center” […]

work 4

Literature Review/Synthesis Once you have thoroughly learned your studies (this is where the Table of Evidence you did previously will help you!), you need to communicate to your readers the level and quality of literature that was reviewed. The synthesis is a description of the entire body of literature that you have reviewed that supports […]

Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

  After studying the course materials located on Module 8: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following: Euthanasia Medical / Generic definition Bioethical definition. Describe pain and suffering within context of faith Physician Assisted Suicide / Death ( PAS / PAD) Definition Is it ethical? Should we have the right to end our lives? […]