Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

250 word discussion Evidence Base Nursing

Due 9/20  6 pm EST 250 Words APA not including Title and references   Critical appraisals are used to broaden understanding and summarize evidence. This helps determine if research evidence is ready for practice. There are certain steps to conducting critical appraisals. Locate a scholarly journal article and apply the steps of critical analysis found […]


A HISTORY OF NURSING ETHICS The Nuremberg trials at the close of WWII offered disturbing questions. How can “good” people in traditionally honor-bound professions become complicit in some of the worst violations of humanity in history? What happens when individual professionals are not held to account by their peers, professions, and society as a whole? […]


Name: Linda McCarthy Age: 86 years Provider: K. Townsend MD Codestatus: DNI BMI: 24.1 Allergies: penicillin, atorvastatin, red dye, latex Admitweight: 145 lbs (65.8kg) Linda McCartchy had a rough night. She was pretty restless and only slept two hours. This morning she was having an issue with her hearing aids not working. They kept whistling. […]

D.Saa Cultural Wk 3 Disc

  Food for thought items:  From your reading assignments have you noticed any similarities among the cultures that you have read about, are there any distinct differences that would have you make an adjustment in your plan of nursing care?  Please review the criteria for your culturally diverse client interview.  Do you have any special […]


Interview with a Culturally Competent Healthcare Professional Healthcare Professional Interview: Interview with a culturally competent Registered Nurse, Nursing Leader, or Advanced Practice Nurse. BSN students must select a nursing professional with a BSN or higher degree in nursing practice. The interview must address the following topics: The practitioner’s philosophy regarding cultural diversity. (10 points) Their […]

Managing Student Incivility and Misconduct

 Dealing with student misconduct and incivility is part of the nurse educator role.  The Week 4 Overview in Canvas has links to many good articles on the subject.  As you peruse the articles, take note of the things you found interesting or surprising. Initial post: In your initial post, describe at least three things you […]


1 IRB is an important step in the research process. State the required components one should look for in a project to determine if IRB submission is needed. Discuss an example of a research study in one of your literature review articles that needed IRB approval, and describe why IRB approval was needed in this […]

WEEK 9 MSN5300

  Identify an article that is at least five years old. Summarize the statistical findings and discuss the significant it has on nursing. Please post your initial post with 400 words and one scholarly article.Attached you can find the rubric to following