Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

dicussion post sociology

  Respond to two (2) of the following prompts: How is masculinity described by the authors of our text? Using specific examples, discuss why patriarchal masculinity is not the only form of masculinity. (USLO 5.1, 5.3) How is sexism explained by the authors of our text? Using specific examples, discuss how society propagates misogyny and […]

Article Critique

article critique  Please write a critique on a given article.  Please follow the rubric.  1.  Is the research study relevant to the study of nursing, (be specific and include examples from the article)?   2.  Is the method/design appropriate in terms of the research question/hypothesis?  What was the research question/hypothesis? Was it clearly stated?   Write […]

Nursing M3 Assignment

Assignment topic for Communication: Under the communication topic is the idea of advanced directives. The  advance directive idea has grown from basic forms that can be found in  the state statutes to very refined documents such as Five Wishes or  POLST or MOLST. But to start this topic we can access the Florida State  statutes […]

Nursing Nursing Reflection Assignment

 As the term winds down, think about what you’re going to take away from this class. The questions below should guide your thinking, but feel free to volunteer additional information if you feel it is relevant. You are expected to write a minimum of 200 words for this assignment. 

postpartum Depression

Each student will individually write a paper over a relevant maternal-infant nursing topic that is addressed by a Healthy People 2030 objective. Healthy People 2030 objectives are available at  https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives  .The concept chosen must be appropriate and relevant to maternal-infant nursing. The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:  to thoroughly research a topic of interest […]

discussion 4

  Answer the questions below based on the following case study. A 26-year-old woman presented to the clinic after her cleaning rituals had so exhausted her that she had given up and could now enter only two of the five rooms in her home. For more than a year she has worried that if her […]

Case Study

Read the following case study an answer the reflective questions. Please provide evidence based practice rationals for your answers with scholarly references no older than 5 years APA 7th ed needs to be followed.  CASE STUDY: Albert   Albert Mitchell is a 36-year-old man who will be traveling to Dubai to give a business presentation in […]