Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

Reflection 4

  A. Based on what you have found, what is the most important point for your peers? B. What do you need to communicate to affected patients or other stakeholders? C. What is the best way to communicate with peers and stakeholders?

theory of Self-Efficacy

Using the criteria presented in week 2, critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process. This is the criteria presented in week 2 “Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to […]

Replies week 8 MSN 5300

  Replies two peers with 200 words each one  1.Sensitivity and specificity are measures of the accuracy of a screening test that we use to identify the presence or absence of a particular condition in an individual. Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified by a screening test. In other words, it […]

Discussion-Death and Dying

 Discuss the term “clinical death,” especially with respect to when not to initiate CPR. Discuss what is meant by a “peaceful death” and a “good death,” including goals for End-Of-Life care. How would you feel if you knew your patients did not want CPR but the family insisted on it? 

SOAP note

   create a SOAP note  with information below  Create – objectives to understand assessment and treatment of COPD  Add 3 APA style sources no older than 5 years 


Professor and class,   Collecting, analyzing, interpretating, and presenting data is statistics (Zach, 2022). Understanding your data is key to statistics, not over computing calculations (Holmes et al., 2017). Working on a medical/surgical unit, two different forms of data that I work with are daily blood pressure and temperature checks on my patients to assess […]