Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

Replies week 8 MSN 5300

  Replies two peers with 200 words each one  1.Sensitivity and specificity are measures of the accuracy of a screening test that we use to identify the presence or absence of a particular condition in an individual. Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified by a screening test. In other words, it […]

Discusison Post-

 Please answer the questions below. What must be included in the result and discussion section of the research assignment? Select a research result and state whether it includes the necessary elements. Why and why not? Submission Instructions: Post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least […]


1 Week 7: Change Project Final Paper Your final paper will encompass all assignments you have completed thus far. At this point, you will have submitted each section individually and a comprehensive rough draft. You have received extensive feedback. An attempt to incorporate all previous assignment feedback should be evident. 
 The paper should be […]


Using this required reading: Covid-19 and the Need for Health Care Reform (King, 2020)  NEJM .  Identify 1 flaw in the US healthcare system that was made evident during the pandemic, and 1 innovation during the pandemic that improved health care. Please give 3 scientific citations 


Case Study #1 – Cardiac  This case study is meant to be completed individually.  Please place questions and answers into a Word document and upload into the drop box when complete.  APA formatting is not necessary, but you must cite your work and avoid copy/pasting from any source…paraphrase! Mr. Jones is a 52-year-old obese man […]

Pneumonia in 12 years old

   Instructions: Select one of the topic mentioned below and discuses filling the attached form. Topics:  Pneumonia in 12 years old Requirements Ø The discussion must address the topic Ø Rationale must be provided Ø Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words) Ø May use examples from […]


Based on the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video, post answers to the following questions: What did the practitioner do well? In what areas can the practitioner improve? At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they? What would be your next question, and why? Then, address the following. Your answers […]


Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the healthcare policy of the APN profession and how Transformational Leadership can help to influence policy changes. This week’s assignment focuses on the APN as a Health Policy Leader, one of the nine NONPF NP competencies.  Students will analyze how health policy may affect NP practice […]