Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

W7 Yu

 The use of spirituality in nursing practice is not new.  However, it is more studied and utilized in a more structured format in nursing.  Identify and discuss tools used to evaluate spirituality.  at least 400 words

Fundamental M5

Assignment Content 1. Complete the ATI Systems Disorder template for your assigned respiratory topic. Every box on the template must be completed, a citation is needed for every box, and your reference list must be included (APA). 


Introduction to Public Health Virtual Simulation Complete Introduction to Public Health at https://phtc-online.org/learning/?courseId=15 In this interactive online module, students will learn about introductory concepts in public health. Click on Enroll. You will go to a Login Screen ….at bottom click on create an account now. Create an account. Click on Training Module at the top […]

Create a Reflection document

Please read carefully the instructions. You need to create a Reflection documen following the instructions and answering of the attached document. complete a Reflection Document analyzing how the assignment (attached Artifact: ConcofPathophys w5 PowerPoint) demonstrates achievement of the identified PSLO/GEC/Essential.

week 1

Discussion Social Factors (Graded) Discussion Purpose The purpose of this discussion is for learners to identify community data that impacts social factors of health. Preparing the Assignment · Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students: · Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week · […]


. Assignment A Rubric 1- Criteria Identify and describe key issue and population Mark (30%) Provides a near flawless, succinct, accurate and well referenced outline of the problem / issue 2- Criteria Proposal for policy / legislative change to address problem. Mark (40%) Policy changes well-articulated, realistic and provides exemplary knowledge of mental health system […]