Entries by Nursing Homework Desk

Nursing NUR 435 Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Ethics

In this article review, you will explore ethical issues and discuss their implications. Step 1 Read the article, Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader Download Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader by Cole Edmonson. Step 2 Based on the article, answer the following questions: What are the sources of ethical dilemmas for nurse leaders? How should […]

frados: module 1 discussion

Chapter 3 has a description of various leadership types. Below are the leadership types: · Agile Leadership Theory · Authentic Leadership Theory · Emotional Quotient Leadership Theory · Human Capital Leadership Theory · Principal Agent Leadership Theory · Quantum Leadership Theory · Rebel Leadership Theory · Servant Leadership Theory · Social Capital Leadership Theory · […]

Power Point

Please provide a speak over PowerPoint presentation on the utilization of one of the following nonpharmacological psychotherapy approach for the diagnosis and treatment of a behavioral disorder of your choice based on the reading of the course material.  Nonpharmacological Psychotherapy Options Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interpersonal Psychotherapy Group Therapy Family Therapy  Dialectic Behavioral Therapy & Complex Trauma Please include the following slides in your presentation […]

BHA415 Module 2 Case Module 2 SLP

10/20/23, 6:24 PM SLP – BHA415 Topics in Health Care Policy (2023OCT09FT-1) https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/202602/viewContent/5126062/View 1/1 Privacy Policy | Contact Module 2 – SLP HEALTH FINANCE AND DELIVERY POLICY Uncompensated care continues to be a burden on safety-net hospitals in the United States. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had some impact on this burden. After reviewing […]

communication project 2

You will interview at least two people who belong to cultural groups other than your own and who themselves are from different cultures so that you may reflect on and analyze your intercultural communication competence as well as the importance of cultural diversity awareness. As part of your analysis, you should apply concepts from your […]


   Nurses are well positioned for reforming health care in ways that promote a healthier public and reduce healthcare cost. Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system. The discussion must address the topic. Rationale must be provided May use examples from your […]


  Please write in your own words the meaning of the below related neurological terminology. agraphia alexia Anomia aphasia aphonia apraxia abulia agnosia

reply classmate system healthcare

Collapse Subdiscussion Lauren Hahn Lauren Hahn Yesterday Sep 4 at 1:08pm Technology is an ever-changing and advancing phenomenon that can be tricky to navigate. “Society has moved from a world dominated by paper and face-to-face interactions, to an online presence and way of communicating that is in a constant state of evolution” (Knox, 2019, p. […]


 Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories. I need 1 citation and 2 references


   Respond using APA, at least 2 scholarly references Leadership and a Healthy Work Environment     Leadership involves the relationship between a leader and followers with the behaviors or attributes of the leader influencing whether employees consider a work environment to be healthy. Various theories exist about the way leaders and followers construct a social order […]