Entries by Nursing Homework Desk


 You will submit a detailed outline using the template that has been uploaded below. Your submission must include sections corresponding to the following subheadings: * Technical Aspects Provides necessary medical and scientific information to understand the issue. * Public Policy Describes current and proposed changes in public policy/law. * Arguments For and Against Include a […]


PROFESSIONAL NURSING AND STATE-LEVEL REGULATIONS Boards of Nursing (BONs) exist in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. Similar entities may also exist for different regions. The mission of BONs is the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice. BONs put […]

week 6 587

With the consolidation of hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers across the United States, leadership is delivered in many forms.  The importance of understanding and mastering online leadership (often referred to as virtual or E-leadership) is imperative. How would you establish relationships with your team on-ground and from a distance? How would you create presence in […]

Nursing NUR 445 – Week 6 Assignment: Case Study Part I

This week, you will complete Case Study Part 1: SECTION 1 BACKGROUND: IDENTIFYING A PROBLEM Eleanor is a 52-year-old patient who has had a hip replacement 1 day ago who is on your assigned patient care team. You complete patient care rounds and assess Eleanor’s vital signs, comfort level, intravenous (IV) site and wound dressing. […]


respond to the topic,(Pregnant women and bipolar depresion) say I agree with what you said for this and for this. and add information that deals with the same thing but is not mentioned in that work, the answers that have an argument… at least 3 references Pregnant Women and Bipolar Depression        In […]


Thinking about what you’ve learned in this course about  1-    If you had the power to change anything in this class that is assessment related, what would you change and why? 2-    How will the concepts you learned in this class help you in your career?  The student must answer the graded discussion with a […]

PN 3

Write a 1-2 page paper about some of the Best Practices you have learned about during this course. How will these practices improve patient's outcomes? You must use APA and have at least three references less than three years old to support your choices.

Psychiatrist week 4

   Describe two cognitive techniques and two behavioral techniques. In what types of situations would you choose each? Two scholarly sources references are required. Initial Post relevance to the topic of discussion, applicability, and insight.     Quality of Written Communication Appropriateness of   audience and words choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied.   Grammar, spelling, punctuation.  […]