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Differences And Similarities Between Quantitative, Qualitative and Mix Methods Research Studies
Quantitative research study uses numerical gathering and analyze numerical data to establish patterns and relationships between the study variables (Fain, 2020). Through this, the research can test hypotheses and develop casual relationships. Some data collection methods employed in this study included experiments, surveys, and observation using questionnaires or other standard techniques. Since the data is collected and coded numerically, it is analyzed through statistical methods such as ANOVA. Generally, this type of study includes a large sample size, representing the whole population linked to the study problem. This concept helps promote validity and applicability of the findings and taxation into clinical practice. According to Hong et al. (2018), when conducting the critical appraisal of quantitative studies, the researcher can consider the sample size, sampling method, data collection method, study methods, and ethical considerations.
In contrast qualitative research studies analyze patient expenses and perspectives about phenomena, thus developing a better understanding of the study problem (Fain, 2020). Data is mainly collected through focus groups, interviews, and observation to collect textual data presented as a description of the native. Additionally, this study mainly involves a small sample size since the focus is an overview of individuals’ perspectives on the study problem. Since data is presented in textual or visual forms, it is analyzed through categorizing and coding to identify themes and patterns; qualitative study provides useful data on quality improvement, which can be incorporated into clinical practice. By analyzing patient experiences and perspectives, the researcher can pinpoint areas in clinical practice that equips improvement. The critical appraisal focuses on determining the credibility of a qualitative study by analyzing adherence to ethical considerations, sampling methods, theoretical framework and the possibility of evidence translation into clinical practice.
Mixed method studies involve elements from quantitative and qualitative studies, thus analyzing the strength of each approach in providing a solution to the study problem (Grove & Gray, 2018). Since this design employs two methods, data is collected from the same participants in textual and numerical form. This helps promote a better understanding of the study findings and draw a strong conclusion. Ata is then analyzed separately, and the findings are integrated when developing a conclusion. The sampling method in mixed-method studies can vary depending on the researcher’s choice and preference. The evidence gathered from these studies can be translated into clinical practice, thus promoting improved patient outcomes. Critical appraisal of these types of studies may involve analyzing how quantitative and qualitative studies have been integrated, the theoretical framework, ethical consideration, presentation of data in textual and numerical form, and the method of sampling used to involve others.